Note: Zenith Games did not write this guide. This guide was recovered from a Google Docs Trash in April 2017.
Bravo's guide to a Knife Fighting Scout.
Bring it on bitches!!
The goal of this guide is to help you design a Knife Master Scout. The essence of the Knife Master Scout is to dish out higher amounts of Sneak Attack damage while having many different options to get your Sneak Attack in. You can also enjoy collecting magical knives for all types of situations, so be nice to your DM.
SA = Sneak Attack
Red: A warning. This is a poor option and should be avoided
Orange: This is an OK option. I'm not recommending it, but it's not bad
Green: I recommend this option. It is a strong choice
Blue: A must have. Your best possible option
Purple: Absolutely amazing
Red: A warning. This is a poor option and should be avoided
Orange: This is an OK option. I'm not recommending it, but it's not bad
Green: I recommend this option. It is a strong choice
Blue: A must have. Your best possible option
Purple: Absolutely amazing
Human: +2 to Dexterity
This is the best choice because if the alternate race trait bonus skill feats and the favored class option.
Alternate racial trait - Focused study
- Bonus Skill Focus feats at level 1, 8, 16
- Replaces bonus feat level 1, but gets you two more feats
- Perfect for Bluff, Acrobatics, Stealth, UMD
Favored class option - Rogue
The rogue gains +1/6 of a new rogue talent.
This is the reason a rogue must always be human.
The bonus Rogue Talents at levels 6 and 12 are invaluable.
Dexterity - base for all your melee and ranged attacks as well as many skills.
Charisma - good for bluffing for feints, as well as Use Magic Device.
Dexterity - base for all your melee and ranged attacks as well as many skills.
Charisma - good for bluffing for feints, as well as Use Magic Device.
Intelligence - more skill points, 13 are needed for combat expertise.
Strength - dump stat
Wisdom - dump stat
Refer to the builds.
A kukri is a curved blade, about 1 foot in length.
More importantly it has a critical range of 18-20.
Slap on a keen enhancement and its 15-20.
If you cannot buy some keen kukri then you
will have to take the feat: improved critical
As a Knife Master Scout you won't have proficiency in the Kukri.
So here are your choices to gain it:
So here are your choices to gain it:
1. Take First level Ranger Trapper: gain proficiency in the Kukri,
get trap finding back and get a favored enemy, most likely humans.
2. Take First level fighter: gain proficiency in the Kukri and get a bonus feat.
Probably your best choice. Check out The Intimidator build for an example.
3. Heirloom weapon: get proficiency in one Kurki, hold a dagger in the other hand.
Ask your DM, maybe he will give you a pair of Kukri. This is the best option. How cool is your DM?
4. Martial Weapon Proficiency (Combat): Probably your best bet. This will make your Knife Master shine.
From a central metal ring, four tapering metal blades extend like points on a compass rose. A wielder can stab with the Star knife or throw it. It has a thrown range of 20ft, whereas a dagger has 10 ft. Combined with the trait strong arm subtle wrist you can be throwing them for 30ft and getting SA damage at level 4 when you are a Scout.
If you don't care about critical hitting, which you should, then daggers are the best bet for you.
You can use your feats and traits for other things.
You can also throw your daggers for 10ft.
Keep a spare pair of daggers in spring loaded wrist sheaths.
Make them keen for a 18-20 threat range.
Tattooed Mystic This is a Varisian trait. You bear the elaborate tattoos of your people, marking you as a free son or daughter of the road. You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against charm and compulsion effects. Additionally, you are proficient with bladed scarves and starknives. The starknife has range 20ft whereas the dagger has 10ft.
Heirloom Weapon and gain proficiency in a Kukri.
Heirloom Weapon and gain proficiency in a Kukri.
For improving initiative:
Reactionary +2 initiative, allows you to a get in max SA's round one
Paragon of speed +2 initiative, allows you to a get in max SA's round one
For use in combat:
Strong arm supple wrist +10ft throw after moving 10ft, mixes well with the charging hurler feat for a 30ft ranged Starknife sneak attack. wow.
Anatomist +1 to confirm critical hits. Don't miss when wielding your keen Kurki!!
Anatomist +1 to confirm critical hits. Don't miss when wielding your keen Kurki!!
Armor expert Reduce your armor check penalty by 1. This basically gives you a +1 bonus to all Dex- and Str- based skills. Pretty huge!!
Defender of the Society (Fighter) +1 AC when wearing armor. Better than Armor Expert but you have to be a fighter. If you build the intimidator this is good!!
Adopted -> Ruthless (dwarf) +1 to confirm critical hits.
Adopted -> Propitiation (Any Dwarven deity) At the start of each day, pick one of the following skills: Appraise, Bluff, Craft (pick one craft skill), Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Knowledge (local). You gain a +2 bonus on that skill until the start of the next day. Brilliant for both The Intimidator and The Shanker builds.
Veteran of Battle (Gorum) +1 bonus on Initiative, and if you are able to act during a surprise round, you may a draw a weapon as a free action during that round. A bonus to Initiative and a limited Quick Draw ability during a surprise round. This would allow you to draw and attack in a surprise round. Throw that knife for sneak.
Defensive Strategist (Torag) You are not flat-footed when you are an unaware combatant. This includes a surprise round that you don’t get to act in, and before you get to act at the start of a battle. It basically gives you Uncanny Dodge as a trait, which you gave up to become a Knife Master Scout!!
For intimidation:
Extremely Fashionable You really know how to make a good impression when you’re dressed well. Whenever you are wearing clothing and/or jewelry worth at least 150gp, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks. GOLD
Unnatural Presence You can use your Intimidate skill to demoralize animals and vermin; Intimidate is a class skill for you. Pretty good for the intimidator build.
Masterful Demeanor (Human) +3 bonus on Intimidate against non-human humanoids. Well non-human humanoids encompasses a pretty big group, and it is a +3 bonus.
The Rogue is trained in Use Magic Device, so max out your UMD and take Skill focus (UMD) at level 8.
To use a wand you need to roll a 20+ to use it. You will automatically succeed at Level 10, unless you roll a 1.
1st level wands: 750 gold
Comprehend languages handy
Cure light wounds
Delay poison You never know when you might need this
Disguise self it's your job, be better.
Expeditious Retreat Increase your land speed by 30ft. This is awesome for knife masters who want to run around a lot throwing daggers. It's also great for acrobatics as you move half speed that means you can back flip and cartwheel around the battlefield 30ft at a time dodging attacks.... radical.
Feather fall Don't slip
Grease Useful at every level
Jump Obvious
Obscuring mist Great for when you need to disappear
Silent image Great for when you sneak about
Ventriloquism Great for when you sneak about
Protection from evil Pure gold
Reduce person Increase your dex thus your ability to hit as well as your AC!!
2nd level wands: 4,500 gp
Align weapon Can be a life saver at higher levels to bypass DR
Alter self Very fun buff to have
Dark vision Situational
Find traps You gave up trap finding, get it back
Fog cloud Great battle field control
Invisibility Get your full round SA on
Mirror image This is brilliant for a squishy melee character like the rogue. Must have.
Spider climb Very cool at all stages in a game. Fly is better though
Cat's grace +4 dex is gold but only if you don't have any other magic items boosting dexterity by level 10
3rd level wands: 11,250 gp
Displacement for a squishy melee build this is gold
Fly Fly around throwing star knives. See picture >
Haste Get your sneak on for some serious
Heroism don't miss
Keen edge if you don't have keen kukri
Gaseous form escape!
"This appears to be a typical arrow container capable of holding about 20 arrows. It has three distinct portions, each with a non-dimensional space allowing it to store far more than would normally be possible. The first and smallest one can contain up to 60 objects of the same general size and shape as an arrow........ Once the owner has filled it, the quiver can quickly produce any item she wishes that is within the quiver, as if from a regular quiver or scabbard. The efficient quiver weighs the same no matter what's placed inside it."
If you want to be really cool get a Wand of Weapon Wand and combine a Kukri with a Wand of Vampiric Touch. Be even more sneaky and take the lunge feat.
At Level 4 you can charge and SA
- Feat that compliments this is Charging Hurler
At Level 8 you can move more than 10ft and then SA
- A feat that compliments this is Disorientating Maneuver
- Allows you to move 15ft and throw for SA.
At Level 4 you can charge and SA
- Feat that compliments this is Charging Hurler
At Level 8 you can move more than 10ft and then SA
- A feat that compliments this is Disorientating Maneuver
- Allows you to move 15ft and throw for SA.
This is why you always need a Star Knife with a range of 20ft.
Downside: Lose Uncanny Dodge and Improved Uncanny Dodge.
Downside: Lose Uncanny Dodge and Improved Uncanny Dodge.
Both of these are situational.
Knife master
At Level 1 you Sneak Stab
- When you make a sneak attack with a dagger, kerambit, kukri, punching daggers, Starknife, or swordbreaker dagger, you use d8s to roll sneak attack damage instead of d6s.
- This makes getting only one attack in from a charge, throw, or feint much better.
Downside: You lost let the barbarian to go first!!
At Level 1 you Sneak Stab
- When you make a sneak attack with a dagger, kerambit, kukri, punching daggers, Starknife, or swordbreaker dagger, you use d8s to roll sneak attack damage instead of d6s.
- This makes getting only one attack in from a charge, throw, or feint much better.
Downside: You lost let the barbarian to go first!!
SKILLS = Silent KILLS...
Stick around.....for the sample builds.
The Shanker
Reactionary +2 initiative, win initiative and throw 2 daggers for SA
Adopted -> Propitiation (Any Dwarven deity) +2 Bluff
Weapons of choice: Kukri
Glamered Keen Kukri
Distance Daggers hide these up spring loaded wrist sheathes
Feats and Talents:
1. Feat: Two weapon fighting
1. Bonus Human Feat: Martial Weapon Proficiency (Kukri)
2. Rogue talent: Finesse rogue
3. Feat: Weapon focus (Kukri)
4. Rogue Talent: Combat trick: Combat expertise
4. Scout: Charge and SA
5. Feat: Two weapon feint
6. Rogue talent: *Offensive defense
6. Favored Class Bonus talent: feat: Improved two weapon fighting
7. Feat: Improved two weapon feint
8. Rogue talent: *Slow reactions
8. Scout: Move more than 10ft and SA
9. Feat: Opening volley
10. Advanced talent: *Entanglement of blades
11. Feat: Extra talent: Skill mastery - Bluff, UMD, Acrobatics, Stealth
12. Advanced talent: Feat: Critical focus
11. Feat: Extra talent: Skill mastery - Bluff, UMD, Acrobatics, Stealth
12. Advanced talent: Feat: Critical focus
12. Favored Class Bonus talent: *Crippling strike
Critical on 15-20, Feint and stab for SA anytime anywhere.
Lock them down with entanglement of blades.
Unleash hunters surprise to take down the boss.
Unleash hunters surprise to take down the boss.
The Backstabber
Reactionary +2 initiative, win initiative and throw 2 daggers for SA
Heirloom Weapon and gain proficiency in a Kukri.
Weapons of choice:
Glamered Keen Kukri
Glamered Keen Kukri
Distance returning daggers - hide these up spring loaded wrist sheathes
Feats and Talents:
1. Focused study bonus feat: Skill focus (Acrobatics)
1. Feat: Two weapon fighting
2. Rogue talent: Finesse rogue
3. Feat: Weapon focus (Kukri)
4. Rogue talent: *Offensive defense
4. Scout: Charge and SA
5. Feat: Disorientating maneuver
6. Favored Class Bonus talent: *Slow reactions
7. Feat: Improved two weapon fighting
8. Rogue talent: Combat trick Opening volley
8. Focused study bonus feat: Skill focus (Use magic device)
8. Scout: Move more than 10ft and SA
9. Feat: Acrobatics
10. Advanced talent: *Entanglement of blades
11. Feat: Extra talent: Skill mastery - Bluff, UMD, Acrobatics, Stealth
12. Advanced talent: Feat: Critical focus
12. Favored Class Bonus talent: *Crippling strike
12. Advanced talent: Feat: Critical focus
12. Favored Class Bonus talent: *Crippling strike
Critical on 15-20
Charge and hurl a dagger for SA with +2 hit
Then Charge and stab with a knife for SA using the feat Opening volley to get +6 to hit
Tumble over enemies and move a total of 15 feet for +2 hit.
The Twirler
Tattooed Mystic gives you proficiency in the star knife. This has a range of 20ft whereas the dagger has 10ft.
Strong arm supple wrist Whenever you move at least 10 feet before making an attack with a thrown weapon, you add 10 feet to the range increment of the weapon thrown.
Weapons of choice:
Called Distance Starknives
Feats and Talents:
1. Bonus feat: Two weapon fighting
1. Feat: Point blank shot
2. Rogue talent: Finesse rogue
3. Feat: Precise shot
4. Rogue talent: Combat trait: Charging hurler
4. Scout: Charge and SA
5. Feat: Weapon focus (starknife)
6. Rogue talent: Snap shot
6. Favored Class Bonus talent: *Distracting attack
7. Feat: Improved Initiative
8. Rogue talent: Sniper's eye
8. Scout: Move 10ft and SA
9. Feat: Opening volley
10. Advanced talent: *Crippling strike
9. Feat: Opening volley
10. Advanced talent: *Crippling strike
11. Feat: Improved two weapon fighting
12. Advanced talent: Skill mastery - Bluff, UMD, Acrobatics, Stealth
12. Favored Class Bonus talent: *Dispelling attack
12. Favored Class Bonus talent: *Dispelling attack
Win initiative and throw two star knives up to 30ft for full round SA.
The Slicer
Slice throats in the dark.
Armor expert Reduce your armor check penalty by 1. This increases your stealth by 1, and all other Dex.
Weapons of choice:
Glamered Keen Kukri
Stalking daggers - hide these up spring loaded wrist sheathes
1. Human bonus feat: Martial Weapon Proficiency (Kukri)
1. Feat: Two weapon fighting
2. Rogue talent: Finesse rogue
3. Feat: Weapon focus (Kukri)
4. Rogue talent: Fast stealth
4. Scout: Charge and SA
5. Feat: Blind fight
6. Rogue talent: Minor magic Ghost sound
6. Bonus talent: Major magic Vanish (2 times a day)
7. Feat: Improved two weapon fighting
8. Rogue talent: *Offensive defense
8. Scout: Move 10ft and SA
9. Feat: Point blank shot
10. Advanced talent: *Entanglement of blades
11. Feat: Opening volley
12. Advanced talent: Feat: Critical focus
12. Bonus advanced talent: *Crippling strike
Critical on 15-20
Vanish and observe then throw daggers for SA in a full round attack.
Then charge in and SA with +6 to hit.
The Plunger
Think what Artemi Entreri would do.
Reactionary +2 initiative
Heirloom Weapon and gain proficiency in a Kukri.
Weapons of choice:
Glamered Keen Kukri
Daggers of Venom - hide these up spring loaded wrist sheathes
Feats and Talents:
1. Focused study bonus feat: Skill focus (Acrobatics)
1. Feat: Two weapon fighting
2. Rogue talent: Finesse rogue
3. Feat: Weapon focus (Kukri)
4. Rogue talent: Swift poison
4. Scout: Charge and SA
5. Feat: Extra talent: Ninja trick - pressure points
6. Rogue talent: *Offensive defense
6. Bonus talent: Lasting poison
7. Feat: Improved two weapon fighting
8. Rogue talent: *Slow reactions
8. Focused study bonus feat: Skill focus (UMD)
8. Scout: Move 10ft and SA
9. Feat: Opening volley
10. Advanced talent: *Entanglement of blades
11. Feat: Extra talent: Deadly cocktail
12. Advanced talent: Feat: Critical focus
12. Bonus advanced talent: Hunters quarry
Get in fast, poison them, kill them.
Get a wand of True strike to have +20 to hit when you want to poison.
Bow down and fear my blade. Think Jason, Crocodile Dundee and Rambo.
Bully +1 to intimidate
Unnatural Presence You can use your Intimidate skill to demoralize animals and vermin.
Weapons of choice:
Keen Kukri
Feats and Talents:
Fighter 1. Feat: Two weapon fighting
Fighter 1. Human bonus feat: Fearless curiosity
Fighter 1. Bonus fighter Feat: Weapon focus (Kukri)
Fighter 1. Feat: Two weapon fighting
Fighter 1. Human bonus feat: Fearless curiosity
Fighter 1. Bonus fighter Feat: Weapon focus (Kukri)
3. Rogue talent: Finesse rogue
3. Feat: Dazzling display
3. Feat: Dazzling display
5. Rogue talent: *Offensive defense
5. Scout: Charge and SA
5. Feat: Intimidating confidence
7. Rogue talent: *Slow reactions
5. Scout: Charge and SA
5. Feat: Intimidating confidence
7. Rogue talent: *Slow reactions
7. Bonus talent: Combat trick: Shatter defenses
7. Feat: Improved two weapon fighting
9. Rogue talent: *Powerful sneak
7. Feat: Improved two weapon fighting
9. Rogue talent: *Powerful sneak
9. Scout: Move 10ft and SA
9. Feat: Skill focus intimidate
11. Advanced talent: *Entanglement of blades
11. Feat: Critical focus
13. Feat: Dastardly finish (coup de grace)
9. Feat: Skill focus intimidate
11. Advanced talent: *Entanglement of blades
11. Feat: Critical focus
13. Feat: Dastardly finish (coup de grace)
13. Advanced talent: Hunters quarry
13. Bonus advanced talent: *Crippling strike
13. Bonus advanced talent: *Crippling strike
Strike fear into people's hearts with your large intimidating kukri. Critically hit and intimidate all around you with intimidating confidence. Strike the cowards down to shatter defenses, then take them out when they cower in fear.
If you're going to be using a feat for a weapon proficiency why not take exotic proficiency wakizashi? 1d6 18-20/x2, seems like a better option if you're already going to waste a feat for a weapon proficiency.
ReplyDeleteAlso Underhanded as a rogue talent should be checked, as a knife master you already get a bonus to SoH and Underhanded adds even more to it.
I think that the objective is to use a weapon you can throw.
DeleteThe whole point of Knife Master is to get d8's for Sneak Attack, which you don't get with a wakizashi (only with a dagger, kerambit, kukri, punching daggers, starknife, or swordbreaker dagger)