Friday, December 6, 2013

How to Prevent Intra-Party Conflict

Let's get a few things straight.  Conflict between characters isn't always bad.  If the Paladin is constantly chastising the Rogue for stealing, the wizard turns out to be a traitor, or the barbarian keeps slaughtering the Bard's patrons, it can make for some excellent roleplaying.  However, when inter-character conflict turns into inter-player conflict, gaming groups can fall apart.  Although it can be deadly, preventing inter-player conflict isn't actually that difficult, provided the conflict actually comes from the game (nothing you can do if two players naturally don't like each other).  Let's look at intra-party conflict from three perspectives:  The GM, the Instigator, and the Victim.*

As the GM

When starting the game, you have to set guidelines.  For new groups, or players that don't know each other well, you should probably prevent all inter-character conflict whatsoever.  The best way to do this is nip it in the bud.  Before the campaign starts, let players know the rules:

"Just so you guys know, I want to minimize inter-character conflict for this campaign.  That means that I will not accept evil characters or characters that you think will be difficult for the other players.  Feel free to make loner-type or anti-social characters, but make sure they will actually care about what the party thinks of them.  And definitely no backstabbing or stealing loot."

If you have already started the game and an issue crops up, then you have a more difficult task ahead of you.  Players will often defend their decisions by claiming "It's what my character would do."  Although this may be true, it is certainly not a justification for causing problems.  You have to let your players know that this type of behavior is simply not acceptable:

"I understand that this is what your character would do, but it's causing problems for the other players, decreasing everyone's enjoyment, and making our gaming sessions a lot less fun.  Let's see if we can tweak your character so he's still fun for you to play but isn't an issue in our group.  I'm sure that we can find a healthy balance."

Hopefully that should get the point across.  If the player is a good guy, then he should understand and make the proper adjustments.  If he has been playing the character a while then he may get attached to the way he works, but help him understand that everybody will be happier with some changes.  If need be, help him roll up a different character.  If the player is completely ornery and will not listen to your suggestions then you may have to kick him out of your group.  A player who values his own story above all others is not somebody you want mucking around in your world.

As the Instigator

I'm going to keep this short and sweet. Preventing intra-party conflict as the Instigator is as easy as asking one simple question:

"Hey, I think it would be cool and interesting if my character would do this.  However, I recognize that it might cause some problems for your character.  Would you be okay if my character did it?  I totally understand either way."

If the player says no, guess what - you are not doing whatever you wanted to do.  If you feel that it is some action your "character would take," then that's totally understandable.  It just means you have to change your character to one your friends would enjoy playing with.  Are you sacrificing the integrity of your character?  Yeah, probably.  But in no way is the integrity of your character more important that the enjoyment of your fellow players, or the cohesion of your gaming group.

As the Victim

First ask yourself this:  Are you really the Victim?  Or are you causing problems of your own?  In most conflicts, both parties act as Instigators.  Read the Instigator section, then come back here.  I'll wait.


Okay, if you are really an angel and are the victim of another player's abuses, then you are in a tough spot.  You have two options.

The first, potentially awesome, potentially blow-up-in-your-face way is to roleplay.  Try and let the issue roll off your back (as the player at least), enjoy the developing character conflict, and roleplay your character.  The rogue is stealing loot?  Time to send him a message with a cursed item.  The paladin is being a goody-two-shoes?  Let him know what happens when he tries to stops you mid-rage.  Wizard is actually evil?  Kill him of course!  While this method can be fun, it suddenly turns you into the Instigator, and thus (possibly) the problem.  It can be great, or it can simply escalate the situation.  Be careful.

The second, safer, and probably better option is to talk to the instigator.  Let him know that the way he is playing his character might be fun for him, but it is not fun for you:

"Hey, I know you like playing your character this way but it's really causing me problems.  I've been enjoying sessions less and less, and I think that without the inter-character conflict I would have a lot more fun.  Do you think you could roleplay your character in a slightly different way that doesn't put our characters at odds?"

If he doesn't listen, then bring it up with the GM and other players (and point the GM to this post).  If they don't listen, and you really aren't enjoying yourself, then it might be time to find a different group.

* If you have been gaming with a group of close friends for over a year, then all of these suggestions start to slide.  You (hopefully) know each other well enough that you can work these things out directly, and get some great roleplaying out of it.  However, if you are new to a group or not too close of friends with the guys, be sure to read this post carefully and act accordingly.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

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Monday, November 11, 2013

10 Tips for New GMs

1:  Find Out What Your Players Want and Adjust Accordingly

The golden rule of GMing is this:  Give your Players What they Want.  Before the campaign begins, ask each of your players a series of questions regarding play style and campaign preference.  Then adjust your plans as much as you can bear to meet these needs.

Your players want to be Super Powered Gods?  Lower the difficulty.  Your players want a gritty experience?  Raise the difficulty.  Your players want an open world?  Give them an open world.  Your players want great roleplaying?  Encourage character development and shush people who aren't focused.

Here is the questionnaire that you should send out to your players. New Campaign Questionnaire.  Make sure to fully absorb and analyze the results!

Bonus Points:  Make adjustments in game.  If a player has expressed interest in thievery, then draw up some thieving quests.  If the players want more combat, then give them more combat.

2:  Prepare 3 Random Encounters and 10 Random NPCs

Have a list of random encounters and NPCs ready before the game.  These do not need to be fully developed - they are just something to quickly draw on when put on the spot.  Sketch up two or three encounters that your players are likely to stumble into, be it a fight with a gang, an assassin come to kill a PC, or a random fight with an owlbear in the woods.  Get the statblocks of each of these enemies and a general gimmick for the battleground (on rooftops, plenty of trees, overlooking a cliff...).  This way you will be able to quickly and seamlessly move the game forward.

Similarly, generate a list of about 10 NPC names and choose one distinguishing feature about each (missing left hand, persistent cough, drunk).  Next time you are put on the spot for a random NPC, you have something to pull from. The heroes want to go to a shop?  The shopkeep is the first NPC on the list.  The guards come to arrest the PCs?  The captain is the next NPC.  By having a simple list of names and attributes, you can make your players believe that they are in a real world inhabited by real people.  If you respond quickly enough, you can even make them think you have planned for every contingency!

Bonus points:  Prepare one shop, one tavern, and one guard in detail, as your heroes are likely to encounter one of these each session.

3: Know the Rules

As GM you must not only run the game, you must be the expert on it.  Carefully read and digest all information that could be pertinent to the session.  If you only memorize one section, make sure it is Combat.  Combat is where play tends to get bogged down, and it is the most rules oriented.  Make sure you understand actions, movement, and attacking.

Make sure that you always have the rules handy.  For Pathfinder, I highly suggest, as looking things up online is as simple as a search function.  For the first few sessions keep combat simple, but feel free to quickly look up rules you don't know.  For the rest of your time GMing, if you don't know a rule come up with something on the spot and look it up after the game.

Bonus points: Understand the grapple rules.  Just kidding, that's impossible.  Instead, fully understand the classes of your PCs.

4:  Have a Plan (and Don't be Afraid to Railroad)

For all GMs there is a struggle:  Railroad vs Sandbox.  Railroading is subtly forcing the characters down a set story path.  When done correctly they will never know it is happening, and it can allow for more intricate plots.  Sandboxing is allowing your characters free roam over the world, and permitting their actions and choices to have a great effect on the story and setting.  When done correctly the players feel liberated and gain a strong connection to the world.

Most GMs will tell you to run a Sandbox game.  Most players will explain that they would like a Sandbox game.  However, if you are a new GM, then don't be afraid to Railroad a little bit.  Sandboxing requires a lot more work than Railroading, and you have enough on your plate already.

Bonus Points:  Allow your players two or three game altering choices, and have at least a vague idea where each path goes.

5:  Know the Resources

There are A LOT of resources out there.  Plenty of people play your game, and 99% of them will help the new guy.  Besides the forums, which you should frequent, there are random generators, map creators, character creators, art databases, campaign hosts, virtual tabletops, forums, and player finders.  Here is a link to the Resources you should check out:

GM & Player Resources 

Bonus Points: Make an account on the Paizo Message Boards, and ask any questions you have in either the Rules forum or the Advice Forum.

6:  Utilize Game Time and Keep Combat Moving

For the most part, people come to games wanting to game.  Keep players focused, limit irrelevant conversation and, if you are feeling particularly Machiavellian, ban electronics.  Move the game forward by directly engaging players.  New players will often be in a rut if the obvious path does not present itself.  Always give your players something to do, but be ready when they do something else.

Similarly, keep combat moving.  Get an initiative tracker and place it within easy view.  Make sure people know if their turns are coming up so they can prepare ahead of time.  Know the rules.  If you don't know a specific rule, use your best judgement and look them up afterwards.

Bonus Points:  If a player is not ready on his turn, delay him.  It might seem a little mean at first, but the next time he will be ready and everybody will thank you for it.

Bonus Points II:  Read up on 10 Ways to Speed up Gameplay here

7:  Keep the World Real

It is vital that the players understand they are in a living breathing world.  One bad habit of new players is to treat campaigns like a plaything.  By performing ridiculous actions, killing random people, and referencing things his character couldn't possibly know, a player can take away from the game world - as long as you let him get away with it.

Make sure that players understand that there are consequences for actions.  If they make some snide remark to a king, they will suffer the king's wrath.  If they attempt and fail to steal something, they will go to jail.  If they randomly murder somebody in the street, they will get a price on their head.  Ban any in-game references to things like computers, cell phones, or electric guitars.  Unless everybody at the table is okay with it, these actions will detract from the game and completely prevent good roleplaying.

Bonus Points:  Reward good roleplaying.  If a player takes the world seriously then make sure his character is rewarded.  Spend more time on the players spending more energy and everybody will catch on.

8:  Start at Level 1 and Play a Module

Homebrewing (creating your own material) is great, but for new GMs you will probably want to run something somebody else wrote.  This will allow you the breathing room and time to learn the rules and basics of game mastering.  When running other people's work, you have two options:  Modules, short three or four session adventures, or Adventure Paths, immense adventures that take dozens of sessions to complete.  Usually, you will want to start with Modules.  And always start at Level 1.

What to play?  If you want a fun one-session exploration of the combat system, then check out Level 1 of Jacob's Tower.  It has virtually no roleplaying, but it is a great quick intro that covers plenty of concepts.  Since it only takes one session to run, you should then be able to quickly jump into whatever you want to run afterwards.

Dragons are Above My Pay Grade is a great way to dive into mechanics and roleplaying both. It explores travel, combat, magic, survival, negotiation, NPC interactions, and many other facets of the game.  Best of all, it's a level 1 module where the players get to face off against a giant red dragon!  Who doesn't want to fight a dragon for their first session?

Bonus Points: Modify your Module!  Feel free to make tweaks and changes to your module based on the results of the New Campaign Questionnaire.  Rule Number One should not be forgotten even when running other people's creations.

9:  Say Yes, or the Rule of Cool

Roleplaying games are improvisation with dice.  If your players have a cool or creative idea, let them run with it.  Never let rules or your own plan for the session prevent excellent play.  Never say no to an action or attempt.  You can say no to the intended result, but never the attempt.

That's not to say that your players should succeed just because they try something cool.  If a Level 1 Paladin in full plate is trying to leap from vine to vine in a jungle, let him try - but make sure his failure is spectacular, interesting, and moves the session forward.

Bonus Points: Replace "Yes" with "Yes, and..."  You succeed, and something unforeseen happens.  Replace "No" with "Yes, but..."  You attempt and fail, but something interesting happens.

10:  Get Feedback

Rule 10 goes hand in hand with Rule 1.  After every session get feedback from your players.  Make sure your players are enjoying the game, and find out how you can improve it.  Ask for high points and low points.  Ask what they want to see more, and what they want to see less.  Proper communication is vital to successful GMing, and you will be amazing at how much you improve by simply asking how.

Bonus Points: Send out an e-mail to get the feedback in writing.  That way you can always look over what you have improved upon and what you consistently need to change.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Improving Your Class With Items

This guide serves as a list for all items that directly improves class abilities. Whether you want to improve a dip or buff up your channeling abilities, it’s all here! Thanks go to “AndIMustMask” on the Paizo message Boards for collecting the vast majority of these.

Check out a reasonably comprehensive list of Pathfinder Guides. Class guides, item guides, general tips, it’s all here!

Vest of Stable Mutation
AURA moderate abjuration; CL 8th
Chest slot; Price 20,000gp; WEIGHT 2 lbs.
This leather vest is fitted with a number of pockets that are useful for storing the ingredients necessary for alchemical tinkering. The main ability of this vest, however, is to lessen the debilitating effects of an alchemist’s mutagen. While under the effect of any type of mutagen, the wearer takes no penalty to mental ability scores from that mutagen.
COST 10,000 GP Craft Wondrous Item, eagle’s splendor, fox’s cunning, owl’s wisdom, creator must be an alchemist

Admixture Vial
Aura moderate universal; CL 8th; Weight —
Slot none; Price 5,000 gp
Once per day, an alchemist can use this simple-looking glass vial to combine two extracts into one usable extract as if he had the combine extracts discovery. An admixture vial can combine extracts of 3rd level or lower. Extracts combined with an admixture vial cannot be combined again using this item or the combine extracts discovery.
Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be an alchemist with the combine extracts discovery; Cost 2,500 gp

Hybridization Funnel
Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Weight 2 lbs.
Slot none; Price 200 gp
This two-spouted funnel is used to safely mix two alchemical splash weapons into a single flask. Using the vial requires 10 minutes and a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check; a half-elf has a +5 bonus on this check. Failing the check means both splash weapon are destroyed. Success means the two materials are safely mixed into one vial that is the same volume as a normal splash weapon vial; when thrown as a splash weapon, the mixture has the effects of both component substances and creatures are affected as if hit by both. The mixture becomes inert after 24 hours. Only liquids may be mixed with the funnel. The bearer can use it to mix an alchemical splash weapon with either holy water or unholy water, but the Craft (alchemy) DC increases to 30; half-elves still get the +5 bonus on this check. The funnel does not work on potions, elixirs, extracts, or other materials. Mixing a substance with a similar or identical substance (such as alchemist's fire with alchemist's fire) has no effect. A mixture cannot be combined with another mixture.
Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate or combine extracts discovery; Cost 100 gp

Formula Alembic
Aura faint divination; CL 3rd; Weight 2 lbs.
Slot none; Price 200 gp
This magically-augmented alchemical device distills a potion or alchemist extract into the knowledge needed to create its formula. By gently heating a potion or extract in the alembic for 1 hour, the device creates a few drops of magical liquid. If consumed by an alchemist, this liquid gives him knowledge of the potion's or extract's formula, as if it were an extract he recorded in his formula book. This knowledge lasts for 24 hours. He may scribe this formula in his formula book in the normal fashion.
Using the alembic does not harm the potion, but the process makes it nearly boiling hot (it cools normally). The alembic can only distill the knowledge of formulas on the alchemist extract list (for example, it cannot turn a potion of a cleric-only spell into something an alchemist can learn).
Brew Potion, Craft Wondrous Item, identify, creator must be an alchemist; Cost 100 gp

A 12gp slotless item that gives you +10 feet to your bomb range.  No question!

Phylactery of Negative Channeling
Aura moderate necromancy [evil]; CL 10th
Slot headband; Price 11,000 gp; Weight —
This item is a boon to any character able to channel negative energy, increasing the amount of damage dealt to living creatures by +2d6. This also increases the amount of damage healed by undead creatures.
Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be a 10th-level cleric; Cost 5,500 gp

Construct Channel Brick
Source: Advanced Player's Guide
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This solid red brick changes its shape to match its bearer's holy symbol. If the bearer has the channel energy class feature, she can focus her power on the brick, allowing her to repair damaged constructs and objects as if they were living creatures. The item works whether the bearer channels positive or negative energy. If the bearer has the artifice domain, she adds +2d6 points of damage to her channel energy result when repairing constructs and objects.
Craft Wondrous Item, make whole; Cost 5,000 gp

Dastard (Armor Enchantment)
AURA faint abjuration CL 5th WEIGHT —
This armor special ability works only for evil creatures with the challenge ability (such as cavaliers) or the smite good ability (such as antipaladins, half-fiends, and creatures with the fiendish creature template). A wearer with one of these abilities gains a +2 profane bonus to AC against attacks from the chosen opponent.
COST: +1 bonus
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, protection from good

Hosteling (Armor Enchantment)
PRICE: +7,500 GP
AURA moderate conjuration CL 9th WEIGHT —
A suit of armor or shield with this special ability hides living animals within its iconography to keep it safe. The wearer can speak a command word to magically store an animal to which he is bonded, such as an animal companion, a familiar, or mount. The stored animal appears as a symbol emblazoned upon the armor or shield, either one that mimics the appearance of the animal or that is more symbolic and abstract.
While stored, the animal is sleeping and provides the wearer no benefit (such as a familiar’s skill bonus). The size of animal that can be stored depends on the type of armor or shield. A suit of light armor, medium armor, or a light shield or heavy shield can store one animal up to the wearer’s size. A suit of heavy armor or a tower shield can store one animal up to one size category larger than the wearer. A second command word releases the stored animal from the hosteling armor or shield. A released animal immediately awakens, appears in a space adjacent to the wearer, and can take actions on the round it appears.
Because the stored animal is sleeping rather than in suspended animation (or even hibernating), it ages and gets hungry at the normal rate while stored. A hosteling armor or shield automatically releases a stored animal 24 hours after it was stored inside.
This armor special ability still works on bonded magical beasts that were once animals, but not outsiders, oozes, or other exotic companion creatures.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, secret chest

Warding (Armor Enchantment)
AURA strong abjuration CL 12th WEIGHT —
Once per day as an immediate action, the wearer of warding armor can activate it to end all active challenge, judgment, and smite abilities affecting her. This does not prevent opponents from selecting her as a target for these abilities in the future. As a swift action, the wearer can expend one of her own challenge, judgment, or smite abilities to refresh the armor’s ability to end these attacks.
COST: +1 bonus
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, atonement

Magician’s Hat (Hat Slot)
Aura: Moderate Transmutation CL:10th Price: 20,000GP
Mystic symbols embroidered in gold thread decorate this conical hat. Three times per day as a free action when casting a spell, the wearer can shift metamagic feats on prepared spells. The wearer can either move a metamagic feat from another prepared spell to a spell being cast or from the spell being cast to another prepared spell. In either case, the spell that gains the metamagic feat can’t exceed the spell slot of the spell that originally had the metamagic feat. For example, a wizard with detect thoughts, silent dispel magic, and dimension door prepared could cast a silent detect thoughts (and would now have dispel magic prepared), but could not cast silent dimension door. Moving metamagic feats does not increase spell casting time, even for quickened spells. The hat provides no benefit to spontaneous casting or spell-like abilities.
Craft Wondrous Item, mnemonic enhancer

Insignia of Valor
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 7th; Weight —
Slot none; Price 8,000 gp
This metal badge of a rampant griffon, lion, horse, or similar heraldic creature must be attached to a shield or armor to function. Attaching or removing it requires a DC 15 Craft (armor) check, 10 minutes, and appropriate tools. Its powers only function if the wearer of the shield or armor has the channel energy and smite abilities . If the wearer dispatches an opponent with a smite attack (killing it, destroying it, or reducing its hit points below 0), she may expend one use of her channel energy ability as a swift action that round.
Craft Wondrous Item, cure critical wounds; Cost 4,000 gp

Ring of Protected Life
Price 9,000 gp; Slot ring; CL 7th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura moderate conjuration
This silver ring features arboreal motifs, and is set with a small but brilliant sapphire.
If the wearer has the channel energy class feature, the radius of his channeled energy increases by 5 feet. Additionally, when the wearer channels energy, he may choose to exempt one creature from the effects of his channeling. If the wearer has the Selective Channeling feat, the ring of protected life increases the number of creatures he may normally exempt by one. Finally, once per day the wearer may channel energy as a swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity; doing so renders the ring of protected life inert for 24 hours, during which time it does not confer any benefits.
Feats Forge Ring, Selective Channeling; Special creator must have the channel energy class feature; Cost 4,500 gp

Channeler's Aspergillum
Source Magical Marketplace pg. 11
Aura moderate conjuration and necromancy CL 9th
Slot none; Price 36,305 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
This +1 battle aspergillumUE has additional powers when filled with holy water or unholy water (filling it requires a move action). By swinging a filled channeler’s aspergillum in an arc, the wielder affects up to nine creatures in a 30-foot cone as with mass cure light wounds (if the aspergillum is filled with holy water) or mass inflict light wounds (if the aspergillum is filled with unholy water). This action expends the holy or unholy water within.
If the wielder has the channel energy ability, she can also use a channeler’s aspergillum to increase her effective cleric level by 2 for the purpose of channeling energy. Each time the wielder uses the channeler’s aspergillum in this way, the holy water (for channeled positive energy) or unholy water (for channeled negative energy) stored in the aspergillum is expended.
Regardless of which of these ways the channeler’s aspergillum is used, it can only be filled with holy or unholy water up to three times per day. A channeler’s aspergillum can hold only one flask’s worth of holy or unholy water at a time.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, mass cure light wounds, mass inflict light wounds, creator must be able to channel energy; Price 18,305 gp

Malleable Symbol
Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 309
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This undistinguished metal lump has no powers in its default state. By concentrating on it for 1 minute, a creature who worships a deity may transform it into a masterwork holy symbol of that deity. Whenever this holy symbol is used as a focus for channeled energy, as a free action the bearer can alter the channel area to one of the following options:
10-foot burst centered anywhere within 30 feet
60-foot line
30-foot cone
The symbol reverts to its nondescript lump form after being away from its bearer for 24 hours.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, mass cure light wounds, creator must be able to channel energy; Cost 5,000 gp

Price +2 bonus; Aura moderate enchantment; CL 7th
Requirement: Only light or medium armor can be enchanted with the bloodthirsty special ability.
Jagged designs of lightning, fangs, or weaponry adorn any bloodthirsty armor, which bolsters its wearer's confidence and presence with each wound the wearer inflicts.
Bloodthirsty armor promotes wanton bloodshed, as its enhancement bonus to AC increases by 1 for 1 round after its wearer deals damage with a natural attack or melee weapon. If the wearer of a suit of bloodthirsty armor is raging, the armor's enhancement bonus increases by 3 instead.

Feats Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Spells rage; Cost +2 bonus

Torc of Lionheart Fury
Source: Advanced Player's Guide
Aura faint abjuration; CL 3rd
Slot neck; Price 8,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Each end of this heavy copper neckwear bears the image of a snarling lion. The wearer gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear. If the wearer is a barbarian of at least 12th level, she gains the fearless rage rage power. If she already has this power, she also becomes immune to the panicked condition while raging, and any panick-causing attack against her while she rages instead causes her to regain 1 round of rage.
Craft Wondrous Item, remove fear; Cost 4,000 gp

Helm of Fearsome Mien
Source: Advanced Player's Guide
Aura faint necromancy; CL 1st
Slot head; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
This metal helm is made to look like the wearer has horns, tusks, and other features resembling a fearsome predator. If the wearer is a barbarian, she can use the intimidating glare rage power whenever she rages. The helm has no effect if the wearer is not a barbarian (or another class with the rage class feature).
Craft Wondrous Item, cause fear; Cost 2,500 gp

Hamatula Hide
PRICE: 44,215 GP
AURA moderate transmutation CL 9th WEIGHT 12 lbs.
Crafted from the flayed skin of a barbed devil, this imposing +2 spiked hide armor weighs half the normal weight. When its wearer rages, the armor’s spikes elongate and the hide bonds to her skin, providing fire resistance 10. Any creature that strikes the wearer with a melee weapon, unarmed strike, or a natural weapon while the spikes are elongated takes 1d8+6 points of piercing damage from the armor’s barbs (unless using a weapon with reach). While the wearer is enraged, spells that cause additional damage to evil outsiders deal that increased damage to her. A barbarian with fiend totem rage powers gains additional benefits from hamatula hide. If she has the lesser fiend totem rage power, she gains a +1 profane bonus to Armor Class while raging. If she has the fiend totem rage power, the damage caused by her barbs increases to 2d8+6 and stacks with the barbed defense granted by the armor. If she has the greater fiend totem ability, she gains fire resistance 20 when raging.
COST: 22,215 GP
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, polymorph, resist fire

Furious (Weapon Enchant)
AURA moderate enchantment CL 8th WEIGHT —
This special ability can only be placed on melee weapons. A furious weapon serves as a focus for its wielder’s anger. When the wielder is raging or under the effect of a rage spell, the weapon’s enhancement bonus is +2 better than normal. If the wielder has a rage power that gives a skill bonus while raging (such as raging climber, raging leaper, or raging swimmer), the wielder gains an enhancement bonus to that skill whenever the weapon is wielded or held in her hand, even when she is not raging. This bonus is equal to the enhancement bonus of the weapon (and also includes the +2 if the wielder is raging).
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, rage

Courageous (Weapon Enchantment)
Price +1 bonus
Aura faint enchantment; CL 3rd; Weight —
This special ability can only be added to a melee weapon.
A courageous weapon fortifies the wielder's courage and morale in battle. The wielder gains a morale bonus on saving throws against fear equal to the weapon's enhancement bonus. In addition, any morale bonus the wielder gains from any other source is increased by half the weapon's enhancement bonus (minimum 1).
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, heroism, remove fear; Cost +1 bonus

Headband of Havoc
PRICE 8,000 GP
AURA faint enchantment CL 5th WEIGHT 1 lb.
This band of raggedly stitched animal skins and teeth focuses a barbarian wearer’s bloodlust. When the wearer enters a rage, she selects one of her rage powers. For the duration of the rage, that power functions as if the wearer’s barbarian level were four levels higher.
Once per day when the wearer is attacked or has to make a saving throw against a hostile effect, she may spend 2 rounds of rage to begin a rage as an immediate action. This rage becomes active prior to resolving the attack that triggered it and lasts until the start of her next turn (at which time she may continue to rage as if she had begun the rage in the normal manner).
Craft Wondrous Item, rage

Cord of Stubborn Resolve
PRICE 15,000 GP
AURA moderate transmutation CL 8th WEIGHT 1 lb.
When fastened about the waist, this stout length of rope grants a +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution along with prodigious stamina. Treat the enhancement bonus to Constitution as a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the belt is worn. Any effect which would cause the wearer to become fatigued deals an additional 1d6 points of nonlethal damage instead. Any effect that would cause exhaustion likewise causes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage, and leaves the wearer fatigued instead of exhausted.

Doom Harp
Source: Advanced Player's Guide
Aura faint necromancy; CL 4th
Slot none; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
Made from bone and sun-dried sinew, this masterwork harp produces a vague sense of unease in anyone near it. If the owner of this item has the bardic performance class feature he can use it to perform a dirge of doom even if he is not of sufficient level to normally have access to that ability. A bard who can use dirge of doom and who plays the harp as part of his performance increases the effective radius to 60 feet.
Craft Wondrous Item, cause fear; Cost 5,000 gp

Book of the Loremaster
Source: Advanced Player's Guide
Aura moderate divination; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 15,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This digest-sized book contains a seemingly random collection of words, phrases, and strange mnemonic aids. Three times each day, a bard can consult it while using the lore master class feature in order to gain a +5 competence bonus when taking 10 or taking 20 on a Knowledge check.
Craft Wondrous Item, clairaudience/clairvoyance; Cost 7,500 gp

Harmonizing (Armor Enchantment)
PRICE: +15,000 GP
AURA moderate illusion CL 7th WEIGHT —
Every step taken in harmonizing armor produces a symphony of sounds. The armor harmonizes with music played, lyrics sung, and words spoken by its wearer, creating a pleasant counter-melody. Its wearer gains a +5 competence bonus on Perform checks, but takes a –5 penalty on Stealth checks. The wearer can be silent only if he takes no physical actions. The armor also amplifies harmful sounds, and the wearer gains vulnerability to sonic energy damage (sonic energy attacks deal an additional 50% damage to the wearer). If the wearer has the bardic performance class feature, the harmonizing armor causes bonuses and penalties from performances that have an audible component to continue for 1 round after the wearer ceases performing. Beginning a new bardic performance ends the effects of the previous performance immediately. This ability does not stack with the Lingering Performance feat.
The harmonizing ability can be applied to any armor, but not shields.
COST: +7,500 GP
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, major image or bardic performance

Rallying (Shield Enchantment)
PRICE: +5,000 GP
AURA faint abjuration CL 5th WEIGHT —
This armor or shield is brightly polished, and its mirrorbright surface is magically endowed with the ability to bring comfort to the wearer’s companions. Allies within 30 feet of the wearer gain a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. If the wearer has an ability that grants a morale bonus on saving throws against fear (such as a paladin’s aura of courage, a bard’s countersong, or a cavalier’s banner ability), the morale bonus increases to +6.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, remove fear

Ring of Spell Knowledge
Aura moderate or strong (no school); CL 7th
Slot ring; Price 1,500 gp (Type I), 6,000 gp (Type II), 13,500 gp (Type III), 24,000 gp (Type IV); Weight —
This ring comes in four types: ring of spell knowledge I, ring of spell knowledge II, ring of spell knowledge III, and ring of spell knowledge IV. All of them are useful only to spontaneous arcane spellcasters. Through study, the wearer can gain the knowledge of a single spell in addition to those allotted by her class and level. A ring of spell knowledge I can hold 1st-level spells only, a ring of spell knowledge II 1st- or 2nd-level spells, a ring of spell knowledge III spells of 3rd level or lower, and a ring of spell knowledge IV up to 4th-level spells. A ring of spell knowledge is only a storage space; the wearer must still encounter a written, active, or cast version of the spell and succeed at a DC 20 Spellcraft check to teach the spell to the ring. Thereafter, the arcane spellcaster may cast the spell as though she knew the spell and it appeared on her class’ spell list. Arcane spells that do not appear on the wearer’s class list are treated as one level higher for all purposes (storage and casting). CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
Forge Ring, creator must be able to cast spells of the spell level to be granted; Cost 750 gp (Type I), 3,000 gp (Type II), 6,750 (Type III), 12,000 gp (Type IV).

Robe of Runes
Source Pathfinder #4
Aura strong transmutation; CL 13th
Slot body; Price 44,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This robe is made of crimson silk and emblazoned with dozens of spindly Thassilonian runes, each symbolizing a different type of magical effect or syllable of power. Favored by wizards, this robe can provide some benefit to any spellcasting creature. While worn, it grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence and allows the wearer to recall, as a free action, up to four levels of spells per day that he had prepared and then cast. Each time a spell is recalled and prepared again in this manner, the sudden rush of magical energy infuses the wearer with power — for one round after recalling a spell, the wearer’s spell save DCs and attack rolls for spells gain a +2 enhancement bonus.
Craft Wondrous Item, fox's cunning, limited wish; Cost 22,000 gp

Banner of Ancient Kings
Source: Lands of the Linnorm Kings
Aura moderate abjuration; CL 8th
Slot none; Price 18,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
This tattered white canvas banner looks like an old piece of sailcloth, or perhaps a winding shroud—a 4-foot-by-6-foot rectangle with loops that can fit over a spear haft or pole running up one side. If mounted on a longspear or pole at least 8 feet in length, the banner shifts in appearance to match the heraldry or coat of arms of the person who attached it. If that person has no device, the flag instead displays a device that echoes the owner’s personality (such as a favorite animal, favored weapon, or holy symbol of the wielder’s deity).
When carried into battle, a banner of the ancient kings confers several benefits. As long as the longspear or pole to which the banner is attached is firmly wielded in two hands, its carrier gains a +4 circumstance bonus on Initiative checks. In addition, when so wielded, it grants the wielder and all allies within 30 feet a +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects. If the carrier of the banner fails a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect, he may attempt a new saving throw against that effect every round he continues to wield the banner of the ancient kings—once he releases his firm grip on the banner’s haft, though, he no longer gets this benefit, even if he wields the banner properly at a later point while still under the effects of the mind-affecting effect.
If the banner’s carrier possesses the Flagbearer feat, the banner of the ancient kings doubles the morale bonuses granted by that feat. A bard who carries a longspear or pole to which a banner of the ancient kings has been attached is treated as four levels higher than his actual bard level for the purposes of determining the bonuses granted by his inspire courage bardic performance ability.
Craft Wondrous Item, heroism, resistance; Cost 9,000 gp

Courageous (Weapon Enchantment)
Price +1 bonus
Aura faint enchantment; CL 3rd; Weight —
This special ability can only be added to a melee weapon.
A courageous weapon fortifies the wielder's courage and morale in battle. The wielder gains a morale bonus on saving throws against fear equal to the weapon's enhancement bonus. In addition, any morale bonus the wielder gains from any other source is increased by half the weapon's enhancement bonus (minimum 1).
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, heroism, remove fear; Cost +1 bonus

Robe of the Resplendent Thespian (Body Slot)
Aura strong varied; CL 16th
Slot body; Price 75,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
These magnificent vestments disguise the presence of armor as normal clothing (as the glamered armor property).
When worn by a bard, the robe grants the wearer the following powers:
Spell resistance 18
+4 resistance bonus on all saving throws
+2 enhancement bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance
Bards and those who fancy themselves actors or performers commission versions of these robes using only the finest fabric.
Craft Wondrous Item, antimagic field, break enchantment, greater heroism, veil; Cost 37,500 gp.

Ring of Wizardry (Ring)
Type I: 20,000 GP Type II: 40,000 GP Type III: 70,000GP Type IV: 100,000 GP
Aura: Moderate CL: 11th Price: Varies
This special ring comes in four varieties, all of them useful only to arcane spellcasters. The wearer’s arcane spells per day are doubled for one specific spell level. A ring of wizardry I doubles 1st level spells, a ring of wizardry II doubles 2nd-level spells, a ring of wizardry III doubles 3rd-level spells, and a ring of wizardry IV doubles 4th-level spells. Bonus spells from high ability scores or school specialization are not doubled.
Forge Ring, Limited Wish

Tuned Bowstring
Price 18,000 gp; Slot none; CL 7th; Weight —; Aura moderate illusion
This faintly glowing bowstring is twined from the hair of a lillend. When strung on a bow, a tuned bowstring also functions as a masterwork stringed instrument, granting the wielder an enhancement bonus on Performance (string) checks equal to the bow's enhancement bonus (if any). A tuned bowstring produces a perfect note with every arrow fired by its wielder, allowing a character with the bardic performance class feature to maintain a performance in combat without expending rounds of bardic performance as long as she fires at least one arrow each round. Activating a bardic performance or switching to a different performance still costs a round of bardic performance.
Cost 9,000 gp; Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Spells exquisite accompaniment; Special creator must have the bardic performance class feature

Scarf of the Suggestive Dance
Aura faint enchantment; CL 1st
Slot belt; Price 3,000 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
This silk scarf is embroidered with all the colors of a flame and tasseled in tiny beads.
When wrapped around the hips, it grants the wearer a +5 competence bonus on Perform (dance) checks. In addition, the scarf adds +1 to the saving throw DC of the wearer's fascinate and suggestion bardic performances.
Craft Wondrous Item, hypnotism; Cost 950 gp

Cloak, Poet's
Price 9,750 gp; Slot shoulders; CL 7th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura moderate enchantment
Even after cleaning and mending, this traveler's cloak appears worn and weathered. For wearers with the bardic performance class feature, it grants the use of raging song as a 4th-level skald by spending rounds of bardic performance. For wearers with the raging song class feature, it grants the use of inspire courage and inspire competence as a 4th-level bard by spending rounds of raging song.
In addition, each poet's cloak allows its wearer to grant one specific rage power when using raging song in place of his own rage powers (if any). The specific rage power varies by cloak. It must be usable by a 4th-level skald, and can't have any prerequisites other than level.
Cost 4,875 gp; Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Spells good hope, rage; Special creator must have the bardic performance or raging song class feature

Dervish Sikke
Price 10,000 gp; Slot head; CL 10th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura moderate transmutation
This cylindrical felt hat grants its wearer a +2 competence bonus on one Knowledge or Perform skill, chosen when the dervish sikke is created.
Most dervish sikkes grant bonuses on Knowledge (religion) or Perform (dance) checks.
If the wearer is a bard, he is considered 5 class levels higher for purposes of determining the effects of his bardic knowledge class feature. In addition, the bonuses granted by a bard’s inspire courage and inspire competence class features are increased by 1. Finally, a bard wearing a dervish sikke can take 10 on any Perform skill check he has ranks in.
Cost 5,000 gp; Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Spells fox’s cunning, timely inspiration

Three Reasons to Live
Aura faint evocation; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 9,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
The horns of three disparate creatures (chimera, dire ram, and satyr) make up this magical instrument, interlocking into one shofar about 2 feet long. Once per day the horn can be blown to affect all allies within 30 feet that can hear it. Affected creatures gain sonic resistance 10 and a +2 bonus on saves against spells and effects that deal sonic damage, are language-dependent, or must be heard to be effective. This protection lasts for 10 minutes. If a bard uses the horn to start a bardic performance, all effects of that performance are calculated as if the bard were 6 levels higher. This doesn’t grant the bard access to new bardic performances; it only enhances those to which the bard already has access.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, shout; Cost 4,500 gp

Champion (Armor Enchantment)
AURA faint abjuration CL 5th WEIGHT —
This armor special ability works only for good creatures with the challenge ability (such as cavaliers) or the smite evil ability (such as paladins, half-celestials, and creatures with the celestial creature template). A wearer with one of these abilities gains a +2 sacred bonus to AC against attacks from the chosen opponent.
COST: +1 bonus
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, protection from evil

Dastard (Armor Enchantment)
AURA faint abjuration CL 5th WEIGHT —
This armor special ability works only for evil creatures with the challenge ability (such as cavaliers) or the smite good ability (such as antipaladins, half-fiends, and creatures with the fiendish creature template). A wearer with one of these abilities gains a +2 profane bonus to AC against attacks from the chosen opponent.
COST: +1 bonus
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, protection from good

Hosteling (Armor Enchantment)
PRICE: +7,500 GP
AURA moderate conjuration CL 9th WEIGHT —
A suit of armor or shield with this special ability hides living animals within its iconography to keep it safe. The wearer can speak a command word to magically store an animal to which he is bonded, such as an animal companion, a familiar, or mount. The stored animal appears as a symbol emblazoned upon the armor or shield, either one that mimics the appearance of the animal or that is more symbolic and abstract.
While stored, the animal is sleeping and provides the wearer no benefit (such as a familiar’s skill bonus). The size of animal that can be stored depends on the type of armor or shield. A suit of light armor, medium armor, or a light shield or heavy shield can store one animal up to the wearer’s size. A suit of heavy armor or a tower shield can store one animal up to one size category larger than the wearer. A second command word releases the stored animal from the hosteling armor or shield. A released animal immediately awakens, appears in a space adjacent to the wearer, and can take actions on the round it appears.
Because the stored animal is sleeping rather than in suspended animation (or even hibernating), it ages and gets hungry at the normal rate while stored. A hosteling armor or shield automatically releases a stored animal 24 hours after it was stored inside.
This armor special ability still works on bonded magical beasts that were once animals, but not outsiders, oozes, or other exotic companion creatures.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, secret chest

Rallying (Shield Enchantment)
PRICE: +5,000 GP
AURA faint abjuration CL 5th WEIGHT —
This armor or shield is brightly polished, and its mirrorbright surface is magically endowed with the ability to bring comfort to the wearer’s companions. Allies within 30 feet of the wearer gain a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. If the wearer has an ability that grants a morale bonus on saving throws against fear (such as a paladin’s aura of courage, a bard’s countersong, or a cavalier’s banner ability), the morale bonus increases to +6.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, remove fear

Warding (Armor Enchantment)
AURA strong abjuration CL 12th WEIGHT —
Once per day as an immediate action, the wearer of warding armor can activate it to end all active challenge, judgment, and smite abilities affecting her. This does not prevent opponents from selecting her as a target for these abilities in the future. As a swift action, the wearer can expend one of her own challenge, judgment, or smite abilities to refresh the armor’s ability to end these attacks.
COST: +1 bonus
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, atonement

Vambraces of the Tactician (Wrist Slot)
Aura moderate enchantment; CL 7th
Slot wrists; Price 8,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
These vambraces change their appearance depending on who wears them.
If the wearer is a cavalier, these vambraces display the symbol of his order. When unworn or in the hands of a non-cavalier, they appear to be an ordinary pair of steel vambraces.
A cavalier wearing these vambraces is considered two class levels higher for purposes of determining the effects of his challenge class feature. Furthermore, once per day as a swift action, a cavalier with the tactician class feature can increase the area in which he grants teamwork feats. Before the end of his next turn, when the cavalier grants his allies a teamwork feat, he can grant it to all allies within 60 feet, though they must still be able to see and hear him.
Craft Wondrous Item, heroism; Cost 4,000 gp.

Courageous (Weapon Enchantment)
Price +1 bonus
Aura faint enchantment; CL 3rd; Weight —
This special ability can only be added to a melee weapon.
A courageous weapon fortifies the wielder's courage and morale in battle. The wielder gains a morale bonus on saving throws against fear equal to the weapon's enhancement bonus. In addition, any morale bonus the wielder gains from any other source is increased by half the weapon's enhancement bonus (minimum 1).
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, heroism, remove fear; Cost +1 bonus

Coat, Resplendent Uniform (Body Slot)
Aura faint enchantment; CL 5th
Slot chest; Price 7,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
This woolen long coat is typically worn over light armor by military commanders.
A cavalier with the tactician ability may use that ability one additional time per day, and his tactician ability affects allies within 60 feet instead of 30 feet.
Craft Wondrous Item, heroism; Cost 3,500 gp.

Champion’s Banner (Slotless)
Aura faint transmutation; Slot none; CL 5th; Price 8,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
A champion's banner is a cloth flag or standard (typically 2 feet wide and 4 feet long) meant to be carried and displayed on a lance, polearm, frame, or staff. It has no effect unless it is mounted properly and a wielder is carrying the object bearing it. It depicts the insignia or heraldic symbol of its wielder; if the wielder has no such symbol, it depicts a heraldic lion.
A character with the challenge class feature carrying a champion's banner treats his class level as 4 levels higher when determining the effect of his challenge ability. This does not alter the number of times per day the wielder may use his challenge ability, only the value of the bonuses it grants when he does so.
Craft Wondrous Item, eagle's splendor, Knowledge (nobility) 5 ranks; Cost 4,000 gp

Price +1 bonus
Aura faint divination; CL 5th; Weight —
This special ability can only be placed on melee weapons.
When a cavalier wielding a valiant weapon targets a foe with his challenge ability, the valiant weapon deals an additional 1d6 points of damage against that foe. The wielder receives a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks made to disarm or sunder a challenged foe's weapon as well as a +4 bonus to his CMD against disarm and sunder attacks from that foe.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, true strike; Cost +1 bonus

Challenging Shield
Price 5,170 gp; Slot shield; CL 1st; Weight 15 lbs.; Aura faint abjuration
When this +1 heavy steel shield is in the hands of a character with the challenge class feature, this shield grants additional abilities.
By spending one use of her challenge class feature as an immediate action, the wearer of a challenging shield can apply her Charisma bonus to her shield bonus to AC against a target of her challenge for 1 minute.
Cost 3,670 gp; Feats Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Spells nereid’s grace

Imperial Army Greathelm
Price 29,000 gp; Slot head; CL 9th; Weight 6 lbs.; Aura moderate enchantment
Many seasoned military commanders wear this style of silver helmet adorned with a single over-sized red plume.
If the wearer has the Leadership feat, he gains a +3 bonus to his Leadership score, and any of his followers or cohorts gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects while they're within line of sight of him.
If the wearer possesses the tactician class feature, the range of that ability increases to 60 feet.
Feats Craft Wondrous Item, Leadership; Spells eagle's splendor, greater command; Cost 14,500 gp
That said, really mostly for the Leadership boost, since the 60ft tactician can be obtained through the coat or bracers for much cheaper. 

Phylactery of Positive Channeling
Aura moderate necromancy [good]; CL 10th
Slot headband; Price 11,000 gp; Weight —
This item allows channelers of positive energy to increase the amount of damage dealt to undead creatures by +2d6. This also increases the amount of damage healed by living creatures.
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be a 10th-level cleric; Cost 5,500 gp

Phylactery of Negative Channeling
Aura moderate necromancy [evil]; CL 10th
Slot headband; Price 11,000 gp; Weight —
This item is a boon to any character able to channel negative energy, increasing the amount of damage dealt to living creatures by +2d6. This also increases the amount of damage healed by undead creatures.
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be a 10th-level cleric; Cost 5,500 gp

Construct Channel Brick
Source: Advanced Player's Guide
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This solid red brick changes its shape to match its bearer's holy symbol. If the bearer has the channel energy class feature, she can focus her power on the brick, allowing her to repair damaged constructs and objects as if they were living creatures. The item works whether the bearer channels positive or negative energy. If the bearer has the artifice domain, she adds +2d6 points of damage to her channel energy result when repairing constructs and objects.
Craft Wondrous Item, make whole; Cost 5,000 gp

Magician’s Hat (Hat Slot)
Aura: Moderate Transmutation CL:10th Price: 20,000GP
Mystic symbols embroidered in gold thread decorate this conical hat. Three times per day as a free action when casting a spell, the wearer can shift metamagic feats on prepared spells. The wearer can either move a metamagic feat from another prepared spell to a spell being cast or from the spell being cast to another prepared spell. In either case, the spell that gains the metamagic feat can’t exceed the spell slot of the spell that originally had the metamagic feat. For example, a wizard with detect thoughts, silent dispel magic, and dimension door prepared could cast a silent detect thoughts (and would now have dispel magic prepared), but could not cast silent dimension door. Moving metamagic feats does not increase spell casting time, even for quickened spells. The hat provides no benefit to spontaneous casting or spell-like abilities.
Craft Wondrous Item, mnemonic enhancer

Ring of Protected Life
Price 9,000 gp; Slot ring; CL 7th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura moderate conjuration
This silver ring features arboreal motifs, and is set with a small but brilliant sapphire.
If the wearer has the channel energy class feature, the radius of his channeled energy increases by 5 feet. Additionally, when the wearer channels energy, he may choose to exempt one creature from the effects of his channeling. If the wearer has the Selective Channeling feat, the ring of protected life increases the number of creatures he may normally exempt by one. Finally, once per day the wearer may channel energy as a swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity; doing so renders the ring of protected life inert for 24 hours, during which time it does not confer any benefits.
Feats Forge Ring, Selective Channeling; Special creator must have the channel energy class feature; Cost 4,500 gp

Channeler's Aspergillum
Source Magical Marketplace pg. 11
Aura moderate conjuration and necromancy CL 9th
Slot none; Price 36,305 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
This +1 battle aspergillumUE has additional powers when filled with holy water or unholy water (filling it requires a move action). By swinging a filled channeler’s aspergillum in an arc, the wielder affects up to nine creatures in a 30-foot cone as with mass cure light wounds (if the aspergillum is filled with holy water) or mass inflict light wounds (if the aspergillum is filled with unholy water). This action expends the holy or unholy water within.
If the wielder has the channel energy ability, she can also use a channeler’s aspergillum to increase her effective cleric level by 2 for the purpose of channeling energy. Each time the wielder uses the channeler’s aspergillum in this way, the holy water (for channeled positive energy) or unholy water (for channeled negative energy) stored in the aspergillum is expended.
Regardless of which of these ways the channeler’s aspergillum is used, it can only be filled with holy or unholy water up to three times per day. A channeler’s aspergillum can hold only one flask’s worth of holy or unholy water at a time.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, mass cure light wounds, mass inflict light wounds, creator must be able to channel energy; Price 18,305 gp

Malleable Symbol
Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 309
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This undistinguished metal lump has no powers in its default state. By concentrating on it for 1 minute, a creature who worships a deity may transform it into a masterwork holy symbol of that deity. Whenever this holy symbol is used as a focus for channeled energy, as a free action the bearer can alter the channel area to one of the following options:
10-foot burst centered anywhere within 30 feet
60-foot line
30-foot cone
The symbol reverts to its nondescript lump form after being away from its bearer for 24 hours.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, mass cure light wounds, creator must be able to channel energy; Cost 5,000 gp

Mask of Giants
Source: Advanced Player's Guide
Aura moderate transmutation (lesser), strong transmutation (greater); CL 6th (lesser), 13th (greater)
Slot head; Price 30,000 gp (lesser), 90,000 gp (greater); Weight 1 lb.
This wooden mask depicts a leering humanoid with an oversized nose and ears. If the wearer has the wild shape class feature, the mask allows her to use wild shape to take the form of a humanoid with the giant subtype. The forms allowed by a lesser mask of giants are ogre, troll, fire giant, frost giant, or stone giant. If the form has any of the following abilities, the wearer gains the listed ability: darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, scent. In giant form, the wearer gains a +4 size bonus to Strength, a –2 penalty to Dexterity, and a +1 natural armor bonus.
A greater mask of giants has all the powers of a lesser mask, plus additional abilities in giant form. If the form has any of the following abilities, the wearer gains the listed ability: rend (2d6 damage), regeneration 5 (acid or fire), rock catching, rock throwing (range 60 feet, 2d6 damage). If the chosen giant form has immunity or resistance to any energy type, the wearer gains resistance 20 to that energy type when in giant form. If the giant form has vulnerability to an energy type, the wearer gains that vulnerability when in giant form. In giant form, the wearer gains a +6 size bonus to Strength, a –2 penalty to Dexterity, a +4 size bonus to Constitution, and a +4 natural armor bonus.
Craft Wondrous Item, giant form I; Cost 15,000 gp (lesser), 45,000 gp (greater)

Druid’s Vestments
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 10th
Slot body; Price 3,750 gp; Weight —
This light garment is worn over normal clothing or armor. Most such vestments are green, embroidered with plant or animal motifs. When this item is worn by a character with the wild shape ability, the character can use that ability one additional time each day.
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, polymorph or wild shape ability; Cost 1,375 gp

Hosteling (Armor Enchantment)
PRICE: +7,500 GP
AURA moderate conjuration CL 9th WEIGHT —
A suit of armor or shield with this special ability hides living animals within its iconography to keep it safe. The wearer can speak a command word to magically store an animal to which he is bonded, such as an animal companion, a familiar, or mount. The stored animal appears as a symbol emblazoned upon the armor or shield, either one that mimics the appearance of the animal or that is more symbolic and abstract.
While stored, the animal is sleeping and provides the wearer no benefit (such as a familiar’s skill bonus). The size of animal that can be stored depends on the type of armor or shield. A suit of light armor, medium armor, or a light shield or heavy shield can store one animal up to the wearer’s size. A suit of heavy armor or a tower shield can store one animal up to one size category larger than the wearer. A second command word releases the stored animal from the hosteling armor or shield. A released animal immediately awakens, appears in a space adjacent to the wearer, and can take actions on the round it appears.
Because the stored animal is sleeping rather than in suspended animation (or even hibernating), it ages and gets hungry at the normal rate while stored. A hosteling armor or shield automatically releases a stored animal 24 hours after it was stored inside.
This armor special ability still works on bonded magical beasts that were once animals, but not outsiders, oozes, or other exotic companion creatures.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, secret chest

Wild (Armor Enchantment)
AURA moderate transmutation CL 9th WEIGHT —
Armor with this special ability usually appears to be made from magically hardened animal pelt. The wearer of a suit of armor or a shield with this ability preserves his armor bonus (and any enhancement bonus) while in a wild shape. Armor and shields with this ability usually appear to be covered in leaf patterns. While the wearer is in a wild shape, the armor cannot be seen.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, baleful polymorph

Scarab Breastplate
PRICE: 32,350 GP
AURA moderate transmutation CL 8th WEIGHT 30 lbs.
This +3 breastplate is crafted from the carapace of a giant scarab beetle, enchanted to be as hard and reflective as polished steel. The wearer suffers only half damage from vermin swarms and gains a +2 resistance bonus on saving throws against the extraordinary abilities of vermin swarms. In addition, once per day on command, the wearer can transform the scarab breastplate into a swarm of scarab beetles that skitter from her chest to attack creatures nearby. This swarm has statistics identical to an army ant swarm (Bestiary 16) and attacks any creatures within its space. The wearer can command the swarm to move (including changing the shape of the swarm) as a move action, but the swarm must remain adjacent to her. If the swarm is reduced to 0 hit points, if the wearer is forced to move away from the swarm, or if the wearer commands it to return to her as a move action, the swarm crawls back onto the wearer’s torso and returns to armor form. While the swarm is active, the wearer is not considered to be wearing the scarab breastplate (except for purposes of commanding the swarm) and gains no defensive benefits from it.
A druid of 6th level wearing a scarab breastplate can use her wild shape ability to duplicate vermin shape I (Ultimate Magic). At 8th level, she can also use it to duplicate vermin shape II (Ultimate Magic).
COST: 16,350 GP
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, creeping doom, spell turning, vermin shape II

Robe of Runes
Source Pathfinder #4
Aura strong transmutation; CL 13th
Slot body; Price 44,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This robe is made of crimson silk and emblazoned with dozens of spindly Thassilonian runes, each symbolizing a different type of magical effect or syllable of power. Favored by wizards, this robe can provide some benefit to any spellcasting creature. While worn, it grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence and allows the wearer to recall, as a free action, up to four levels of spells per day that he had prepared and then cast. Each time a spell is recalled and prepared again in this manner, the sudden rush of magical energy infuses the wearer with power — for one round after recalling a spell, the wearer’s spell save DCs and attack rolls for spells gain a +2 enhancement bonus.
Craft Wondrous Item, fox's cunning, limited wish; Cost 22,000 gp

Sash of the War Champion
Source: Advanced Player's Guide
Aura moderate abjuration; CL 9th
Slot chest; Price 4,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This bright red strip of cloth, stitched with images of a cheering crowd throwing garlands toward a chariot, fits across the wearer's shoulders and then diagonally down his chest to reach his opposite hip. The wearer treats his fighter level as 4 higher than normal for the purpose of the armor training and bravery class features.
Craft Wondrous Item, cat's grace, remove fear; Cost 2,000 gp

Gloves of Dueling
Source: Advanced Player's Guide
Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
Slot hands; Price 15,000 gp; Weight —
These supple leather gloves grant the wearer gains a +4 bonus to his CMD against disarm attacks, attempts to sunder his wielded weapons, and effects that cause him to lose his grip on his weapons (such as grease). The wearer doesn't drop held weapons when panicked or stunned. If the wearer has the weapon training class feature and is using an appropriate weapon, his weapon training bonus increases by +2.
Craft Wondrous Item, greater magic weapon; Cost 7,500 gp

Ring of Grit Mastery

Aura faint abjuration and evocation; CL 3rd
Slot ring; Price 6,840 gp; Weight —
This ring is made out of fused firearm bullets, making it a chunky but overall impressive ring. Twice per day, as a free action, when the wearer regains grit, she can choose to store it in the ring of grit mastery instead of regaining the grit point. She can store up to 2 grit points within the ring in this way. She can spend the grit points stored in the ring either of the following ways.
Once per day, without the need to take an action to do so, the wearer can spend 1 grit point stored in the ring to grant herself a +2 insight bonus to initiative.
Once per day, as a standard action, the wearer of the ring can spend 2 grit points stored within the ring to activate a bullet shield as the spell.
Any grit points stored in the ring disappear at the start of each day.
Construction Requirements

Forge Ring, anticipate peril, bullet shield, creator must have the grit class feature; Cost 3,420 gp.

Ring of Resilience
Price 15,000 gp; Slot ring; CL 10th; Weight —; Aura moderate conjuration
This tarnished copper band sheds its patina when worn by anyone with panache or grit. Whenever the wearer regains a panache or grit point through her actions (not just a daily refresh), she can try to end a single ongoing condition affecting her, attempting a new saving throw against the original DC. The effect must be one that allowed a saving throw, can be removed by either dispel magic or heal, and be an effect against which the wearer failed her initial saving throw. If the wearer succeeds at the new save, the effect is removed even if succeeding at the save would normally have other consequences, and even if the effect normally requires multiple saves to remove. If the effect allowed more than one type of saving throw, use the type and DC for the first saving throw the wearer failed for the effect.
The wearer can use the ring only once for each ongoing condition. As the wearer must regain a panache or grit point to reroll a save, the ring provides no benefit if she hasn't used any grit or panache.

Cost 7,500 gp; Feats Forge Ring; Spells restoration; Special creator must be a grit or panache user

Bandolier, Beneficial
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th
Slot belt; Price 1,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This bandolier is made of finely tanned leather. It has slots for up to 200 rounds of ammunition. Pellets and black powder are kept in tiny individual pouches, and bullets in small loops. The bandolier alters itself as needed to accommodate both.
There are also places on the beneficial bandolier for a gunsmith’s kit and a powder horn. Regardless of what quantities of these items are placed within the beneficial bandolier, its weight does not change.
As a swift action, the wearer can command a single round of ammunition from the beneficial bandolier to teleport into a firearm of the appropriate type that he is wielding.
Craft Wondrous Item, secret chest; Cost 500 gp.

Bandolier, Endless
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th
Slot chest; Price 1,500 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
Small loops sewn into this bandolier look like they can hold twenty alchemical cartridges (ammunition for a firearm), but due to a subtle bending of space can actually hold up to 60 cartridges. Additionally, the six thin pockets on the bandolier are extradimensional spaces meant to hold extra guns and gear. The four small pockets can each hold a one-handed firearm, 1 pound of ammunition, a powder horn, or a similarly sized object. The two large pockets are large enough to hold a two-handed firearm or a similarly sized object. The wearer can draw an item stored in the bandolier as easily as if from an ordinary ammunition pouch or holster. The bandolier weighs the same no matter what is placed inside it.
Craft Wondrous Item, secret chest; Cost 750 gp.

Duster, Gunman’s
Aura strong abjuration; CL 12th
Slot body; Price 36,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
This long, loose-fitting coat grants a +4 armor bonus to AC and a +2 luck bonus to the wearer’s touch AC against firearm attacks. If the wearer is a gunslinger or has the Amateur Gunslinger feat, she begins each day with 1 additional grit point. This extra point does not increase her maximum grit total. When the wearer uses the gunslinger’s dodge deed, the deed’s dodge bonuses to AC increase by +1. If the wearer is not a gunslinger, she may use the gunslinger’s dodge deed once per day.
Craft Wondrous Item, Amateur Gunslinger or creator must be a gunslinger, bullet shield; Cost 18,000 gp.

Lucky (Weapon Enchantment)
AURA moderate transmutation CL 8th WEIGHT —
This special ability can only be placed on one-handed or two-handed firearms. A lucky firearm has its own magical reservoir of grit (see Ultimate Combat). Usually this grit is stored within the marks of an engraving or in a trinket that hangs from the firearm. Often these marks take the form of holy symbols or fetishes, but such a reservoir can take just about any form. This reservoir holds 1 grit point, which is refreshed at the start of each day. Whether or not the wielder of a lucky firearm has any deeds (see Ultimate Combat), she can always spend 1 grit point from the lucky firearm to reroll an attack from it that would result in a misfire. When the wielder does so, she must take the second result, even if that attack roll also results in a misfire.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, heroism, creator must be a grit user

Lucky, Greater (Weapon Enchantment)
AURA strong enchantment CL 12th WEIGHT —
This special ability can only be placed on one-handed or twohanded firearms. A greater lucky firearm is nearly identical to a lucky firearm, but its reservoir holds 3 grit points instead of 1. A firearm cannot have both this special ability and the lucky special ability.
COST: +3 bonus
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, greater heroism, creator must be a grit user

Warding (Armor Enchantment)
AURA strong abjuration CL 12th WEIGHT —
Once per day as an immediate action, the wearer of warding armor can activate it to end all active challenge, judgment, and smite abilities affecting her. This does not prevent opponents from selecting her as a target for these abilities in the future. As a swift action, the wearer can expend one of her own challenge, judgment, or smite abilities to refresh the armor’s ability to end these attacks.
COST: +1 bonus
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, atonement

Jurist (Weapon Enchant)
AURA faint transmutation CL 4th WEIGHT —
When an inquisitor wielder uses her judgment class ability while wielding a jurist weapon, it grants her an enhancement bonus on her Perception checks and to CMD. The bonus is +1 on the first round of her judgment, and increases by +1 each round, to a maximum of +3 on the third and following rounds.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, owl’s wisdom

Vambraces, Inquisitor’s Bastion (Wrist Slot)
Aura faint abjuration; CL 5th
Slot wrists; Price 4,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
Constructed of blackened steel, these vambraces augment the protection granted to the inquisitor by the protection judgment. While under that judgment’s effects, the inquisitor gains a sacred bonus both to CMD and on checks made to cast spells defensively. This bonus is equal to the sacred bonus the judgement grants to AC.
Craft Wondrous Item, shield of faith, creator must be an inquisitor with access to the protection judgment; Cost 2,000 gp.

Bane Baldric
PRICE 10,000 GP
AURA moderate conjuration CL 10th WEIGHT 1 lb.
This ornate sash of embroidered velvet stretches across the chest from shoulder to waist. If the wearer is an inquisitor, she is treated as five levels higher when using her bane and greater bane abilities. If the wearer is not an inquisitor, she gains the bane ability of a 5th-level inquisitor, but must first attune a light or one-handed melee weapon to the baldric by hanging it from the cloth for 24 hours, and can only use the bane ability with the attuned weapon.Attuning a new weapon to the baldric ends the attunement for the previous weapon.

Vestment, Mnemonic
Aura strong transmutation; CL 17th
Slot body; Price 5,000gp; Weight lb.
The surface of this delicate-looking blue silk robe is adorned with tiny embossed runes across its entire surface.
If the wearer is a spontaneous caster, once per day she may use a spell slot to cast a spell from a written source (such as a scroll or spell book) as if she knew that spell.  The spell must be on her spell list, the same spell level or lower than the expended spell slot, and the same type of spell (arcane or divine) as the spell slot expended.  The caster must also understand the written source (such as using Spellcraft or read magic) and be carrying it.  Activating the robe is not an action, but casting the spell otherwise works as normal, including casting time, providing components or foci, and so on.  Using a mnemonic vestment's properties does not consume the written source.
Craft Wondrous Item, mnemonic enhancer, creator must be able to spontaneous cast spells; Cost 2,500sp.


Shifting Jerkin
Price 5,965 gp; Slot armor; CL 3rd; Weight 8 lbs.; Aura faint illusion and transmutation
This +1 lamellar cuirass grants its wearer shapeshifting.
On command, the wearer of a shifting jerkin can change her appearance at will as per disguise self. If the wearer has a talents class feature (investigator talents, ninja tricks, rogue talents, or slayer talents), once per day she can spend 1 hour to swap out one talent for another for which she qualifies. She can’t swap a talent that is a prerequisites for other talents or feats she has.
Cost 3,065 gp; Feats Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Spells disguise self, fox’s cunning

Robe of Runes
Source Pathfinder #4
Aura strong transmutation; CL 13th
Slot body; Price 44,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This robe is made of crimson silk and emblazoned with dozens of spindly Thassilonian runes, each symbolizing a different type of magical effect or syllable of power. Favored by wizards, this robe can provide some benefit to any spellcasting creature. While worn, it grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence and allows the wearer to recall, as a free action, up to four levels of spells per day that he had prepared and then cast. Each time a spell is recalled and prepared again in this manner, the sudden rush of magical energy infuses the wearer with power — for one round after recalling a spell, the wearer’s spell save DCs and attack rolls for spells gain a +2 enhancement bonus.
Craft Wondrous Item, fox's cunning, limited wish; Cost 22,000 gp

Spellstrike Gloves (Hand Slot)
Aura: Strong CL 17th Price 8,000GP
These black leather gloves are lined with soft black velveteen and have silver buckles that run from the wrist to the elbow. Three times per day, the gloves allow the wearer to treat a ranged magus spell as a spell with a range of “touch,” allowing him to deliver the spell with his spellstrike ability. The glove can only affect spells that normally affect one or more creatures at a range greater than “touch” (such as slow), not rays or other created effects. The altered spell only affects the creature attacked (any other targets normally allowed by the spell are lost).
Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be a magus, cost: 4,000 GP

Ring of Arcane Mastery
Aura strong abjuration and evocation; CL 11th
Slot ring; Price 20,000 gp; Weight —
This ring is a thin but sturdy piece of forged steel crafted to resemble a serpent swallowing its tail, and is magically imbued to reveal the secrets of arcane mastery to its wearer. The ring allows a wearer with an arcane pool to store up to 4 points from his arcane pool in the ring as a swift action. These points remain in the ring until used. A wearer can spend arcane pool points stored in the ring as if they were his own, or can spend them in each of the following ways.
As a free action, the wearer can expend 1 arcane pool point stored in the ring to gain a +2 bonus on Concentration checks for 1 round.
As a standard action, the wearer can expend 1 arcane pool point stored in the ring to use the pool strike magus arcana using his own magus level to determine the effect.
As an immediate action, the wearer can expend up to 4 arcane pool points stored in the ring to use the reflection magus arcana.
Construction Requirements
Forge Ring, imbue with spell ability, spell turning; Cost 10,000 gp.

Robe, Monk’s
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 10th
Slot body; Price 13,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This simple brown robe, when worn, confers great ability in unarmed combat. If the wearer has levels in monk, her AC and unarmed damage is treated as a monk of five levels higher. If donned by a character with the Stunning Fist feat, the robe lets her make one additional stunning attack per day. If the character is not a monk, she gains the AC and unarmed damage of a 5th-Level monk (although she does not add her Wisdom bonus to her AC). This AC bonus functions just like the monk's AC bonus.
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, righteous might or transformation; Cost 6,500 gp

Necklace of Ki Serenity
Aura moderate enchantment; CL 9th
Slot neck; Price 16,000 gp; Weight —
This simple leather cord is tightly knotted at even intervals and gives its wearer a sense of inner calmness and connection with the larger world. The wearer gains a +4 bonus to his effective level when determining the size of his ki pool and the level-based effects of his ki pool ability (such as bypassing damage reduction).
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, calm emotions, owls wisdom; Cost 8,000 gp

Ki Mat
Aura moderate conjuration (healing); CL 7th
Slot none; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
This humble pad of woven river reeds allows its owner to recover his mental fortitude and ki pool by practicing breathing exercises and other forms of meditation. Each hour its owner spends sitting on the mat without taking any other action, he can attempt to center himself by making a Wisdom check with a DC of 10 plus the monk's current number of ki points (note that ability checks, like skill checks, do not automatically succeed on a 20). If the check is successful, the monk regains 1 ki point.
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, lesser restoration, creator must be a monk; Cost 5,000 gp

Ki Focus (Weapon Enchantment)
AURA moderate transmutation CL 8th WEIGHT —
This special ability can be placed only on melee weapons. The magic weapon serves as a channel for the wielder’s ki, allowing her to use her special ki attacks through the weapon as if they were unarmed attacks. These attacks include the monk’s ki strike, quivering palm, and the Stunning Fist feat (including any condition that the monk can apply using this feat).
COST: +1 bonus
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, creator must be a monk

Ki Intensifying (Weapon Enchantment)
AURA strong transmutation CL 12th WEIGHT —
The weapon channels and amplifies the wielder’s ki, allowing her to use her special ki attacks through the weapon as though they were unarmed attacks. These attacks include the monk’s ki strike, quivering palm, and the Stunning Fist feat. The save DC for ki abilities used through the weapon increases by half the enhancement bonus of the weapon (minimum 1). After a successful strike with a ki intensifying weapon, the wielder can spend 1 ki point as a swift action to perform a combat maneuver to bull rush, disarm, reposition, or trip as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. Any bonuses or penalties applicable to the weapon attack also apply to this combat maneuver check. The wielder cannot move from her space as a part of the chosen maneuver.
Only melee weapons can have the ki intensifying ability. It cannot be placed on an amulet of mighty fist or similar non-weapon item. Weapons with the ki focus ability can be upgraded to be ki intensifying.
COST: +2 bonus
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, creator must be a monk

Amulet of Hidden Strength
PRICE 9,000 GP
AURA faint transmutation CL 5th WEIGHT —
This glass teardrop hangs on a platinum chain and can be used once per day to grant a surge of power. This surge can be used in one of two ways. As a swift action, the wearer of the amulet can make one melee or ranged attack at his highest attack bonus. Alternatively, if the wearer of the amulet has a ki pool, he can instead focus on the power of the amulet as a full-round action and regain two ki points.
Craft Wondrous Item, creator must have a ki pool

Ring of Ki Mastery
Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 172 (Amazon)
Aura faint transmutation CL 5th
Slot ring; Price 10,000 gp; Weight —
This ring is half onyx and half clear-white crystal, magically fused together and hardened to the strength of steel. It allows a wearer with a ki pool to store up to 2 ki points in the ring as a swift action. These points remain in the ring until used. The wearer can use the ki points normally, or can gain the following benefits when he has ki points stored in the ring.
As long as there is at least one ki point stored in the ring, the wearer gains a +2 bonus to CMD against grapple, reposition, and trip attempts.
As long as there are at least 2 ki points stored in the ring, the wearer reduces the number of ki points needed to use a ninja trick or ki ability by 1 (minimum 1 ki point).
Requirements Forge Ring, ki leech, the creator must be able to use ki; Cost 3,420 gp

Necklace of Ki Serenity
Aura moderate enchantment; CL 9th
Slot neck; Price 16,000 gp; Weight —
This simple leather cord is tightly knotted at even intervals and gives its wearer a sense of inner calmness and connection with the larger world. The wearer gains a +4 bonus to his effective level when determining the size of his ki pool and the level-based effects of his ki pool ability (such as bypassing damage reduction).
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, calm emotions, owls wisdom; Cost 8,000 gp

Headband of Ninjitsu
Source: Ultimate Equipment pg. 251 (Amazon)
Aura faint abjuration; CL 1st
Slot headband; Price 15,000 gp; Weight 1 lb
This simple black cloth band focuses the wearer’s ki, helping her use subtle misdirection against opponents in combat. The wearer gains a +2 competence bonus on Bluff checks made to feint and combat maneuver checks made to reposition, and once per day she can attempt a feint or reposition maneuver as a swift action. The wearer also gains a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls on sneak attacks and can sneak attack creatures with concealment or total concealment, though miss chances apply normally.
Craft Wondrous Item, eagle’s splendor, see invisibility; Cost 7,500 gp

Ki Mat
Aura moderate conjuration (healing); CL 7th
Slot none; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
This humble pad of woven river reeds allows its owner to recover his mental fortitude and ki pool by practicing breathing exercises and other forms of meditation. Each hour its owner spends sitting on the mat without taking any other action, he can attempt to center himself by making a Wisdom check with a DC of 10 plus the monk's current number of ki points (note that ability checks, like skill checks, do not automatically succeed on a 20). If the check is successful, the monk regains 1 ki point.
Craft Wondrous Item, lesser restoration, creator must be a monk; Cost 5,000 gp

Sniper Goggles
Source: Advanced Player's Guide
Aura faint divination; CL 5th
Slot eyes; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 1 lbs.
The leather strap attached to these bulbous lenses allows their wearer to fit them to his head. The wearer of these goggles can make ranged sneak attacks from any distance instead of the normal 30 feet. When making ranged sneak attacks within 30 feet, the wearer gains a +2 circumstance bonus on each sneak attack damage die.
Craft Wondrous Item, true strike; Cost 10,000 gp

Stag’s Helm
Source: Pathfinder #31
Aura faint divination; CL 5th
Slot head; Price 3,500 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
This striking helmet is crafted to resemble the skull of a mighty stag. Although made from bone, the antlers and helm are as strong as metal. When worn, the helm greatly enhances eyesight and hearing, granting a +2 competence bonus on Perception checks. In addition, once per day the helm may be called upon to enhance any ranged attack made by the wearer to make an insightful shot. Activating this ability is a free action, and once activated, your next ranged attack against a target within 30 feet is made as if that target were flat-footed against you—this allows a rogue to gain the benefit of sneak attack with this shot. If you don’t make a ranged attack within 1 round of activating this power, the insight fades and is wasted for that day.
A worshiper of Erastil who wears this helm may utilize the insightful shot ability up to 3 times per day.
Craft Wondrous Item, creator must have at least 5 ranks in perception, true strike; Cost 1,750 gp

Sword of Subtlety
Aura moderate illusion; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 22,310 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
A +1 short sword with a thin, dull gray blade, this weapon provides a +4 bonus on its wielder's attack and damage rolls when he is making a sneak attack with it.
Construction Requirements
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, blur; Cost 11,310 gp

Amulet of Hidden Strength
PRICE 9,000 GP
AURA faint transmutation CL 5th WEIGHT —
This glass teardrop hangs on a platinum chain and can be used once per day to grant a surge of power. This surge can be used in one of two ways. As a swift action, the wearer of the amulet can make one melee or ranged attack at his highest attack bonus. Alternatively, if the wearer of the amulet has a ki pool, he can instead focus on the power of the amulet as a full-round action and regain two ki points.
Craft Wondrous Item, creator must have a ki pool

Shozoku of the Night Wind
Source Pathfinder #50: Night of Frozen Shadows pg. 60
Aura moderate illusion; CL 4th
Slot body; Price 12,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This black bodysuit is of the type typically worn by ninjas and assassins, but it grants its wearer a +2 armor bonus and a +5 competence bonus on Stealth checks. In addition, if the wearer is in illumination of less than normal light, she can use invisibility, as the spell, once per day. If the wearer is a ninja with the vanishing trick ninja trick, then the wearer can use that ability twice per day without the expenditure of any ki points and regardless of the surrounding light level.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, invisibility; Cost 6,000 gp

Shifting Jerkin
Price 5,965 gp; Slot armor; CL 3rd; Weight 8 lbs.; Aura faint illusion and transmutation
This +1 lamellar cuirass grants its wearer shapeshifting.
On command, the wearer of a shifting jerkin can change her appearance at will as per disguise self. If the wearer has a talents class feature (investigator talents, ninja tricks, rogue talents, or slayer talents), once per day she can spend 1 hour to swap out one talent for another for which she qualifies. She can’t swap a talent that is a prerequisites for other talents or feats she has.
Cost 3,065 gp; Feats Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Spells disguise self, fox’s cunning

Ring of Ki Mastery
Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 172 (Amazon)
Aura faint transmutation CL 5th
Slot ring; Price 10,000 gp; Weight —
This ring is half onyx and half clear-white crystal, magically fused together and hardened to the strength of steel. It allows a wearer with a ki pool to store up to 2 ki points in the ring as a swift action. These points remain in the ring until used. The wearer can use the ki points normally, or can gain the following benefits when he has ki points stored in the ring.
As long as there is at least one ki point stored in the ring, the wearer gains a +2 bonus to CMD against grapple, reposition, and trip attempts.
As long as there are at least 2 ki points stored in the ring, the wearer reduces the number of ki points needed to use a ninja trick or ki ability by 1 (minimum 1 ki point).
Requirements Forge Ring, ki leech, the creator must be able to use ki; Cost 3,420 gp

Ring of Revelation
Aura moderate varied; CL 11th
Slot ring; Price 10,000 gp (lesser), 16,000 gp (greater), 24,000 gp (superior); Weight —
A ring of revelation is a divine item attuned to a particular oracular mystery and containing a revelation associated with that mystery (see the oracle class description). While wearing the ring, an oracle has access to that revelation and may use it as if she had it as a normal class feature. The oracle must have the appropriate mystery to use the ring, and must meet the level requirements (if any) of the revelation itself; for example, a ring of revelation (combat healer) is only usable by an oracle of at least 7th level with the battle mystery. If the oracle already has that revelation and the revelation gives an ability with a limited number of uses per day, the oracle can use that ability one additional time per day. The ring has no effect if worn by a non-oracle.
A lesser ring of revelation contains a revelation that has no level prerequisite or a prerequisite that is less than 6th level. A greater ring of revelation contains a revelation that requires the oracle to be 7th level or higher. A superior ring of revelation contains a revelation that requires the oracle to be 11th level or higher.
Construction Requirements
Forge Ring, creator must be an oracle with the desired revelation; Cost 5,000 gp (lesser), 8,000 gp (greater), 12,000 gp (superior).

Soothsayer’s Raiment
PRICE: 10,300 GP
AURA faint divination CL 5th WEIGHT 40 lbs.
This +1 chainmail is attuned to a particular oracular mystery and contains a revelation associated with that mystery (see the oracle class description in the Advanced Player’s Guide). Its design and coloration are typically suggestive of its related mystery. While wearing the armor, an oracle has access to that revelation and may use it as if she had it as a normal class feature. The oracle must have the appropriate mystery to use the armor; for example, a soothsayer’s raiment (battlecry) is only usable by an oracle of battle. If the wearer already has that revelation and the revelation grants an ability with a limited number of uses per day, the oracle can use that ability one additional time per day. This ability has no effect if the armor is worn by a non-oracle.
For divination spells with a percentage-based chance of success (such as augury and divination), the wearer’s chance increases by +5.
COST: 5,300 GP
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, augury, creator must be an oracle with the desired revelation

Vestment, Mnemonic
Aura strong transmutation; CL 17th
Slot body; Price 5,000gp; Weight lb.
The surface of this delicate-looking blue silk robe is adorned with tiny embossed runes across its entire surface.
If the wearer is a spontaneous caster, once per day she may use a spell slot to cast a spell from a written source (such as a scroll or spell book) as if she knew that spell.  The spell must be on her spell list, the same spell level or lower than the expended spell slot, and the same type of spell (arcane or divine) as the spell slot expended.  The caster must also understand the written source (such as using Spellcraft or read magic) and be carrying it.  Activating the robe is not an action, but casting the spell otherwise works as normal, including casting time, providing components or foci, and so on.  Using a mnemonic vestment's properties does not consume the written source.
Craft Wondrous Item, mnemonic enhancer, creator must be able to spontaneous cast spells; Cost 2,500sp.

Mantle of the Crusader Host
Price 95,000 gp; Slot chest; CL 20th; Weight —; Aura strong abjuration
This holy shroud is inscribed with hundreds of sacred passages in homage to the gods of good.
It grants damage reduction 5/evil to the character wearing it. Against the attacks of creatures with the demon subtype, the damage reduction becomes 5/—. If the wearer is a paladin, the damage reduction changes to 5/— against the target of her smite class feature.

Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Spells stoneskin; Special creator must be good-aligned; Cost 47,500 gp

Ring of Protected Life
Price 9,000 gp; Slot ring; CL 7th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura moderate conjuration
This silver ring features arboreal motifs, and is set with a small but brilliant sapphire.
If the wearer has the channel energy class feature, the radius of his channeled energy increases by 5 feet. Additionally, when the wearer channels energy, he may choose to exempt one creature from the effects of his channeling. If the wearer has the Selective Channeling feat, the ring of protected life increases the number of creatures he may normally exempt by one. Finally, once per day the wearer may channel energy as a swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity; doing so renders the ring of protected life inert for 24 hours, during which time it does not confer any benefits.
Feats Forge Ring, Selective Channeling; Special creator must have the channel energy class feature; Cost 4,500 gp

Phylactery of Positive Channeling
Aura moderate necromancy [good]; CL 10th
Slot headband; Price 11,000 gp; Weight —
This item allows channelers of positive energy to increase the amount of damage dealt to undead creatures by +2d6. This also increases the amount of damage healed by living creatures.
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be a 10th-level cleric; Cost 5,500 gp

Bracelet, Silver Smite (Compare to Bracers of the Avenging Knight)
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th
Slot wrist; Price 16,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This heavy silver bracelet is etched with icons of purity, fidelity, chastity, and honor, and glows with a soft white light whenever its owner prays. The wearer of this bracelet treats her paladin level as 4 higher than normal for the purpose of her smite evil class feature.
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, align weapon, creator must be a paladin; Cost 8,000 gp

Bracelet of Mercy
Source: Advanced Player's Guide
Aura faint conjuration (healing); CL 5th
Slot wrist; Price 15,000 gp; Weight —
Each gem in this metal bracelet has a tiny inscription from a holy book. If the wearer has the mercy class feature, she gains the diseased mercy. If the wearer already has that mercy, her effective caster level for removing diseases increases by +4.
Craft Wondrous Item, remove disease; Cost 7,500 gp

Construct Channel Brick
Source: Advanced Player's Guide
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This solid red brick changes its shape to match its bearer's holy symbol. If the bearer has the channel energy class feature, she can focus her power on the brick, allowing her to repair damaged constructs and objects as if they were living creatures. The item works whether the bearer channels positive or negative energy. If the bearer has the artifice domain, she adds +2d6 points of damage to her channel energy result when repairing constructs and objects.
Craft Wondrous Item, make whole; Cost 5,000 gp

Crystal of Healing Hands
Source: Advanced Player's Guide
Aura moderate conjuration (healing); CL 10th
Slot neck; Price 12,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
A simple cotton cord holds this glittering prism in place. A person with the lay on hands class feature can direct one use of this energy into the crystal, which stores it until the wearer speaks a command word to release it. Releasing the energy targets the wearer with the stored lay on hands effect, as if touched by the person who infused the crystal with its power. The crystal can contain a single use of the lay on hands class feature. When filled with this magic, it begins to glow with a pearly white light. The wearer of the crystal can order it to release its energy as a standard action. This acts identically to receiving the lay on hands directly from the person who channeled it into the crystal, including any mercies they had at the time.
Craft Wondrous Item, cure light wounds, creator must be a paladin; Cost 6,000 gp

Champion (Armor Enchantment)
AURA faint abjuration CL 5th WEIGHT —
This armor special ability works only for good creatures with the challenge ability (such as cavaliers) or the smite evil ability (such as paladins, half-celestials, and creatures with the celestial creature template). A wearer with one of these abilities gains a +2 sacred bonus to AC against attacks from the chosen opponent.
COST: +1 bonus
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, protection from evil

Hosteling (Armor Enchantment)
PRICE: +7,500 GP
AURA moderate conjuration CL 9th WEIGHT —
A suit of armor or shield with this special ability hides living animals within its iconography to keep it safe. The wearer can speak a command word to magically store an animal to which he is bonded, such as an animal companion, a familiar, or mount. The stored animal appears as a symbol emblazoned upon the armor or shield, either one that mimics the appearance of the animal or that is more symbolic and abstract.
While stored, the animal is sleeping and provides the wearer no benefit (such as a familiar’s skill bonus). The size of animal that can be stored depends on the type of armor or shield. A suit of light armor, medium armor, or a light shield or heavy shield can store one animal up to the wearer’s size. A suit of heavy armor or a tower shield can store one animal up to one size category larger than the wearer. A second command word releases the stored animal from the hosteling armor or shield. A released animal immediately awakens, appears in a space adjacent to the wearer, and can take actions on the round it appears.
Because the stored animal is sleeping rather than in suspended animation (or even hibernating), it ages and gets hungry at the normal rate while stored. A hosteling armor or shield automatically releases a stored animal 24 hours after it was stored inside.
This armor special ability still works on bonded magical beasts that were once animals, but not outsiders, oozes, or other exotic companion creatures.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, secret chest

Rallying (Shield Enchantment)
PRICE: +5,000 GP
AURA faint abjuration CL 5th WEIGHT —
This armor or shield is brightly polished, and its mirrorbright surface is magically endowed with the ability to bring comfort to the wearer’s companions. Allies within 30 feet of the wearer gain a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. If the wearer has an ability that grants a morale bonus on saving throws against fear (such as a paladin’s aura of courage, a bard’s countersong, or a cavalier’s banner ability), the morale bonus increases to +6.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, remove fear

Warding (Armor Enchantment)
AURA strong abjuration CL 12th WEIGHT —
Once per day as an immediate action, the wearer of warding armor can activate it to end all active challenge, judgment, and smite abilities affecting her. This does not prevent opponents from selecting her as a target for these abilities in the future. As a swift action, the wearer can expend one of her own challenge, judgment, or smite abilities to refresh the armor’s ability to end these attacks.
COST: +1 bonus
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, atonement

Bracers of the Merciful Knight (Wrist Slot)
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th
Slot wrists; Price 15,600 gp; Weight 1 lb.
These golden bracers are engraved with images of celestial creatures.
When worn by a paladin, he is considered four levels higher for the purposes of determining the uses per day and healing provided by his lay on hands class feature. Additionally, once per day, the wearer can infuse a use of lay on hands with additional power, providing relief as a lesser restoration spell.
Craft Wondrous Item, cure serious wounds, lesser restoration; Cost 7,800 gp.

Bracers of the Avenging Knight (Wrist Slot) (Compare to Silver Smite Bracelet)
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 8th
Slot wrists; Price 11,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.
These silver bracers are polished to a mirrored sheen, but otherwise shift their appearance to match whatever suit of armor they are worn with.
If the wearer has levels in a class that grants a smite ability (such as a paladin, or a cleric with the Destruction domain), her smite damage is treated as though she were a member of that class four levels higher. If the wearer is not a member of such a class, once per day she may make one smite attack, gaining a bonus on the attack roll equal to her Charisma bonus, and a +5 bonus to the damage roll on a hit.
Craft Wondrous Item, bless weapon; Cost 5,750 gp.

Vambraces, Merciful (Wrist Slot)
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 7th
Slot wrists; Price 8,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
These vambraces are constructed of polished steel.
When a paladin wears these vambraces, engravings of the holy symbol of a paladin’s deity and other religious iconography mystically appear upon the metal’s surface. Once per day, when the paladin uses her lay on hands ability, she can choose to apply an additional mercy to that use of lay on hands that she did not already select. She must be of sufficient level to use that mercy.
Craft Wondrous Item, cleanse; Cost 4,000 gp.

Robe of Runes
Source Pathfinder #4
Aura strong transmutation; CL 13th
Slot body; Price 44,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This robe is made of crimson silk and emblazoned with dozens of spindly Thassilonian runes, each symbolizing a different type of magical effect or syllable of power. Favored by wizards, this robe can provide some benefit to any spellcasting creature. While worn, it grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence and allows the wearer to recall, as a free action, up to four levels of spells per day that he had prepared and then cast. Each time a spell is recalled and prepared again in this manner, the sudden rush of magical energy infuses the wearer with power — for one round after recalling a spell, the wearer’s spell save DCs and attack rolls for spells gain a +2 enhancement bonus.
Craft Wondrous Item, fox's cunning, limited wish; Cost 22,000 gp

Magician’s Hat (Hat Slot)
Aura: Moderate Transmutation CL:10th Price: 20,000GP
Mystic symbols embroidered in gold thread decorate this conical hat. Three times per day as a free action when casting a spell, the wearer can shift metamagic feats on prepared spells. The wearer can either move a metamagic feat from another prepared spell to a spell being cast or from the spell being cast to another prepared spell. In either case, the spell that gains the metamagic feat can’t exceed the spell slot of the spell that originally had the metamagic feat. For example, a wizard with detect thoughts, silent dispel magic, and dimension door prepared could cast a silent detect thoughts (and would now have dispel magic prepared), but could not cast silent dimension door. Moving metamagic feats does not increase spell casting time, even for quickened spells. The hat provides no benefit to spontaneous casting or spell-like abilities.
Craft Wondrous Item, mnemonic enhancer

Baldric, Merciful (chest slot)
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 11th
Slot chest; Price 60,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This sash of white silk embroidered with golden suns never tears, fades, or soils. Once per day, a paladin wearing this baldric can select three extra mercies of her level or lower she does not already know and add them to the list of mercies she can use for the day. She has access to these mercies for 24 hours. When the wearer uses a mercy to remove a condition caused by a curse, disease, or poison, the mercy actually cures the source curse, disease, or poison rather than merely suppressing it for 1 hour.
Craft Wondrous Item, Extra Mercy, remove disease, remove curse, creator must be lawful good; Cost 30,000 gp.

Insignia of Valor
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 7th; Weight —
Slot none; Price 8,000 gp
This metal badge of a rampant griffon, lion, horse, or similar heraldic creature must be attached to a shield or armor to function. Attaching or removing it requires a DC 15 Craft (armor) check, 10 minutes, and appropriate tools. Its powers only function if the wearer of the shield or armor has the channel energy and smite abilities . If the wearer dispatches an opponent with a smite attack (killing it, destroying it, or reducing its hit points below 0), she may expend one use of her channel energy ability as a swift action that round.
Craft Wondrous Item, cure critical wounds; Cost 4,000 gp

Crusader's Longsword
Price 47,315 gp; Slot none
CL 10th; Weight 4 lbs.; Aura moderate evocation
This is a +1 cold iron holy demon-bane longsword.
Whenever the wielder uses the divine bond ability or sacred weapon ability to enhance it, a crusader's longsword increases the points of enhancement bonus she has to spend on its abilities by 1.
Cost 23,815 gp; Feats Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Spells holy smite, summon monster I; Special creator must worship a good deity, creator must be a paladin or a warpriest

Channeler's Aspergillum
Source Magical Marketplace pg. 11
Aura moderate conjuration and necromancy CL 9th
Slot none; Price 36,305 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
This +1 battle aspergillumUE has additional powers when filled with holy water or unholy water (filling it requires a move action). By swinging a filled channeler’s aspergillum in an arc, the wielder affects up to nine creatures in a 30-foot cone as with mass cure light wounds (if the aspergillum is filled with holy water) or mass inflict light wounds (if the aspergillum is filled with unholy water). This action expends the holy or unholy water within.
If the wielder has the channel energy ability, she can also use a channeler’s aspergillum to increase her effective cleric level by 2 for the purpose of channeling energy. Each time the wielder uses the channeler’s aspergillum in this way, the holy water (for channeled positive energy) or unholy water (for channeled negative energy) stored in the aspergillum is expended.
Regardless of which of these ways the channeler’s aspergillum is used, it can only be filled with holy or unholy water up to three times per day. A channeler’s aspergillum can hold only one flask’s worth of holy or unholy water at a time.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, mass cure light wounds, mass inflict light wounds, creator must be able to channel energy; Price 18,305 gp

Malleable Symbol
Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 309
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This undistinguished metal lump has no powers in its default state. By concentrating on it for 1 minute, a creature who worships a deity may transform it into a masterwork holy symbol of that deity. Whenever this holy symbol is used as a focus for channeled energy, as a free action the bearer can alter the channel area to one of the following options:
10-foot burst centered anywhere within 30 feet
60-foot line
30-foot cone
The symbol reverts to its nondescript lump form after being away from its bearer for 24 hours.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, mass cure light wounds, creator must be able to channel energy; Cost 5,000 gp

Boots of Friendly Terrain
Source: Advanced Player's Guide
Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
Slot feet; Price 2,400 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Each pair of these supple leather boots corresponds to a specific sort of environment as defined by the ranger's favored terrain class feature (jungle, plains, and so on). A ranger wearing the boots can treat the corresponding environment of the boots as one of his favored terrains. If he already has that particular environment as one of his favored terrains, his bonus for that terrain increases by +2.
Craft Wondrous Item, pass without trace, creator must be a ranger; Cost 1,200 gp

Horn of Antagonsim
Source: Advanced Player's Guide
Aura faint enchantment; CL 3rd
Slot none; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
Carved from the bone of some giant beast, this large horn emits an eerie, heart-lurching moan when sounded. A person with the favored enemy class feature may blow the horn as a standard action to daze one type of favored enemy within 90 feet for 1d4 rounds (DC 13 Will save negates). Creatures suffer a penalty on this save equal to the ranger's favored enemy bonus against that type of creature. This is a sonic, mind-affecting effect; creatures that cannot hear the horn are immune to its magic. The horn's magic works once per day.
Craft Wondrous Item, daze monster; Cost 10,000 gp

Horn of the Huntsman
Source: Advanced Player's Guide
Aura moderate enchantment; CL 11th
Slot none; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
This elongated horn curves sharply at the end, almost making it seem more like an enormous pipe than a tool for the hunt. Once each day, a person with the hunter's bond (companions) class feature may blow the horn as a standard action; this grants his full favored enemy bonus (instead of half) against a single target to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear him. The effect lasts for 1 minute.
Craft Wondrous Item, greater heroism; Cost 2,500 gp

Hosteling (Armor Enchantment)
PRICE: +7,500 GP
AURA moderate conjuration CL 9th WEIGHT —
A suit of armor or shield with this special ability hides living animals within its iconography to keep it safe. The wearer can speak a command word to magically store an animal to which he is bonded, such as an animal companion, a familiar, or mount. The stored animal appears as a symbol emblazoned upon the armor or shield, either one that mimics the appearance of the animal or that is more symbolic and abstract.
While stored, the animal is sleeping and provides the wearer no benefit (such as a familiar’s skill bonus). The size of animal that can be stored depends on the type of armor or shield. A suit of light armor, medium armor, or a light shield or heavy shield can store one animal up to the wearer’s size. A suit of heavy armor or a tower shield can store one animal up to one size category larger than the wearer. A second command word releases the stored animal from the hosteling armor or shield. A released animal immediately awakens, appears in a space adjacent to the wearer, and can take actions on the round it appears.
Because the stored animal is sleeping rather than in suspended animation (or even hibernating), it ages and gets hungry at the normal rate while stored. A hosteling armor or shield automatically releases a stored animal 24 hours after it was stored inside.
This armor special ability still works on bonded magical beasts that were once animals, but not outsiders, oozes, or other exotic companion creatures.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, secret chest

Robe of Runes
Source Pathfinder #4
Aura strong transmutation; CL 13th
Slot body; Price 44,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This robe is made of crimson silk and emblazoned with dozens of spindly Thassilonian runes, each symbolizing a different type of magical effect or syllable of power. Favored by wizards, this robe can provide some benefit to any spellcasting creature. While worn, it grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence and allows the wearer to recall, as a free action, up to four levels of spells per day that he had prepared and then cast. Each time a spell is recalled and prepared again in this manner, the sudden rush of magical energy infuses the wearer with power — for one round after recalling a spell, the wearer’s spell save DCs and attack rolls for spells gain a +2 enhancement bonus.
Craft Wondrous Item, fox's cunning, limited wish; Cost 22,000 gp


Headband of Ninjitsu
Source: Ultimate Equipment pg. 251 (Amazon)
Aura faint abjuration; CL 1st
Slot headband; Price 15,000 gp; Weight 1 lb
This simple black cloth band focuses the wearer’s ki, helping her use subtle misdirection against opponents in combat. The wearer gains a +2 competence bonus on Bluff checks made to feint and combat maneuver checks made to reposition, and once per day she can attempt a feint or reposition maneuver as a swift action. The wearer also gains a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls on sneak attacks and can sneak attack creatures with concealment or total concealment, though miss chances apply normally.
Craft Wondrous Item, eagle’s splendor, see invisibility; Cost 7,500 gp

Murderer’s Blackcloth
PRICE: 12,405 GP
AURA moderate necromancy CL 9th WEIGHT 10 lbs.
This silk +1 shadow padded armor is as dark as night and stitched with thread the color of dried blood. When worn by a rogue with the bleed talent, it increases the bleed damage of the rogue’s sneak attacks by +1.
COST: 6,280 GP
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bleed, invisibility, silence

Sniper Goggles
Source: Advanced Player's Guide
Aura faint divination; CL 5th
Slot eyes; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 1 lbs.
The leather strap attached to these bulbous lenses allows their wearer to fit them to his head. The wearer of these goggles can make ranged sneak attacks from any distance instead of the normal 30 feet. When making ranged sneak attacks within 30 feet, the wearer gains a +2 circumstance bonus on each sneak attack damage die.
Craft Wondrous Item, true strike; Cost 10,000 gp

Stag’s Helm
Source: Pathfinder #31
Aura faint divination; CL 5th
Slot head; Price 3,500 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
This striking helmet is crafted to resemble the skull of a mighty stag. Although made from bone, the antlers and helm are as strong as metal. When worn, the helm greatly enhances eyesight and hearing, granting a +2 competence bonus on Perception checks. In addition, once per day the helm may be called upon to enhance any ranged attack made by the wearer to make an insightful shot. Activating this ability is a free action, and once activated, your next ranged attack against a target within 30 feet is made as if that target were flat-footed against you—this allows a rogue to gain the benefit of sneak attack with this shot. If you don’t make a ranged attack within 1 round of activating this power, the insight fades and is wasted for that day.
A worshiper of Erastil who wears this helm may utilize the insightful shot ability up to 3 times per day.
Craft Wondrous Item, creator must have at least 5 ranks in perception, true strike; Cost 1,750 gp

Sword of Subtlety
Aura moderate illusion; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 22,310 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
A +1 short sword with a thin, dull gray blade, this weapon provides a +4 bonus on its wielder's attack and damage rolls when he is making a sneak attack with it.
Construction Requirements
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, blur; Cost 11,310 gp

Vest of the Cockroach
Source: Advanced Player's Guide
Aura faint necromancy; CL 3rd
Slot chest; Price 16,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This padded and slightly bulky vest, made from dyed, red-brown cloth, causes its wearer to feel vaguely uncomfortable whenever lying prone. If the wearer is a rogue, she gains the resiliency rogue talent. If she already has this talent, activating the talent grants her 2 hit points per rogue level instead of 1.
Craft Wondrous Item, false life; Cost 8,000 gp

Shifting Jerkin
Price 5,965 gp; Slot armor; CL 3rd; Weight 8 lbs.; Aura faint illusion and transmutation
This +1 lamellar cuirass grants its wearer shapeshifting.
On command, the wearer of a shifting jerkin can change her appearance at will as per disguise self. If the wearer has a talents class feature (investigator talents, ninja tricks, rogue talents, or slayer talents), once per day she can spend 1 hour to swap out one talent for another for which she qualifies. She can’t swap a talent that is a prerequisites for other talents or feats she has.
Cost 3,065 gp; Feats Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Spells disguise self, fox’s cunning

Champion (Armor Enchantment)
AURA faint abjuration CL 5th WEIGHT —
This armor special ability works only for good creatures with the challenge ability (such as cavaliers) or the smite evil ability (such as paladins, half-celestials, and creatures with the celestial creature template). A wearer with one of these abilities gains a +2 sacred bonus to AC against attacks from the chosen opponent.
COST: +1 bonus
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, protection from evil

Dastard (Armor Enchantment)
AURA faint abjuration CL 5th WEIGHT —
This armor special ability works only for evil creatures with the challenge ability (such as cavaliers) or the smite good ability (such as antipaladins, half-fiends, and creatures with the fiendish creature template). A wearer with one of these abilities gains a +2 profane bonus to AC against attacks from the chosen opponent.
COST: +1 bonus
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, protection from good

Hosteling (Armor Enchantment)
PRICE: +7,500 GP
AURA moderate conjuration CL 9th WEIGHT —
A suit of armor or shield with this special ability hides living animals within its iconography to keep it safe. The wearer can speak a command word to magically store an animal to which he is bonded, such as an animal companion, a familiar, or mount. The stored animal appears as a symbol emblazoned upon the armor or shield, either one that mimics the appearance of the animal or that is more symbolic and abstract.
While stored, the animal is sleeping and provides the wearer no benefit (such as a familiar’s skill bonus). The size of animal that can be stored depends on the type of armor or shield. A suit of light armor, medium armor, or a light shield or heavy shield can store one animal up to the wearer’s size. A suit of heavy armor or a tower shield can store one animal up to one size category larger than the wearer. A second command word releases the stored animal from the hosteling armor or shield. A released animal immediately awakens, appears in a space adjacent to the wearer, and can take actions on the round it appears.
Because the stored animal is sleeping rather than in suspended animation (or even hibernating), it ages and gets hungry at the normal rate while stored. A hosteling armor or shield automatically releases a stored animal 24 hours after it was stored inside.
This armor special ability still works on bonded magical beasts that were once animals, but not outsiders, oozes, or other exotic companion creatures.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, secret chest

Tunic of Deadly Might (chest slot)
Aura faint evocation; CL 3rd
Slot chest; Price 6,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This tunic is crafted from golden thread, and has silver-hemmed sleeves. The wearer gains a +2 bonus to Combat Maneuver Defense against disarm and sunder combat maneuvers. If the wearer is a samurai, twice per day as a swift action he can apply the effects of the thundering weapon special ability to a successful critical hit against the target of his challenge.
Craft Wondrous Item, blindness/deafness, mage armor; Cost 3,000 gp.

Champion’s Banner (Slotless)
Aura faint transmutation; Slot none; CL 5th; Price 8,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
A champion's banner is a cloth flag or standard (typically 2 feet wide and 4 feet long) meant to be carried and displayed on a lance, polearm, frame, or staff. It has no effect unless it is mounted properly and a wielder is carrying the object bearing it. It depicts the insignia or heraldic symbol of its wielder; if the wielder has no such symbol, it depicts a heraldic lion.
A character with the challenge class feature carrying a champion's banner treats his class level as 4 levels higher when determining the effect of his challenge ability. This does not alter the number of times per day the wielder may use his challenge ability, only the value of the bonuses it grants when he does so.
Craft Wondrous Item, eagle's splendor, Knowledge (nobility) 5 ranks; Cost 4,000 gp

Price +1 bonus
Aura faint divination; CL 5th; Weight —
This special ability can only be placed on melee weapons.
When a cavalier wielding a valiant weapon targets a foe with his challenge ability, the valiant weapon deals an additional 1d6 points of damage against that foe. The wielder receives a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks made to disarm or sunder a challenged foe's weapon as well as a +4 bonus to his CMD against disarm and sunder attacks from that foe.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, true strike; Cost +1 bonus

Challenging Shield
Price 5,170 gp; Slot shield; CL 1st; Weight 15 lbs.; Aura faint abjuration
When this +1 heavy steel shield is in the hands of a character with the challenge class feature, this shield grants additional abilities.
By spending one use of her challenge class feature as an immediate action, the wearer of a challenging shield can apply her Charisma bonus to her shield bonus to AC against a target of her challenge for 1 minute.
Cost 3,670 gp; Feats Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Spells nereid’s grace


Cloak, Poet's
Price 9,750 gp; Slot shoulders; CL 7th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura moderate enchantment
Even after cleaning and mending, this traveler's cloak appears worn and weathered. For wearers with the bardic performance class feature, it grants the use of raging song as a 4th-level skald by spending rounds of bardic performance. For wearers with the raging song class feature, it grants the use of inspire courage and inspire competence as a 4th-level bard by spending rounds of raging song.
In addition, each poet's cloak allows its wearer to grant one specific rage power when using raging song in place of his own rage powers (if any). The specific rage power varies by cloak. It must be usable by a 4th-level skald, and can't have any prerequisites other than level.
Cost 4,875 gp; Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Spells good hope, rage; Special creator must have the bardic performance or raging song class feature


Shifting Jerkin
Price 5,965 gp; Slot armor; CL 3rd; Weight 8 lbs.; Aura faint illusion and transmutation
This +1 lamellar cuirass grants its wearer shapeshifting.
On command, the wearer of a shifting jerkin can change her appearance at will as per disguise self. If the wearer has a talents class feature (investigator talents, ninja tricks, rogue talents, or slayer talents), once per day she can spend 1 hour to swap out one talent for another for which she qualifies. She can’t swap a talent that is a prerequisites for other talents or feats she has.
Cost 3,065 gp; Feats Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Spells disguise self, fox’s cunning

Crown of the Kobold King
Aura strong transmutation; CL 12th
Slot head; Price 15,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

This ancient burnished bronze heirloom has passed from king to king for centuries. Rumors abound of secret blood rites that grant the wearer additional abilities, but even without this ceremony the crown invests its wearer with power. Wearing the crown grants a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma and a +2 natural armor bonus. You are immune to the frightful presence ability of all dragons. If you are a sorcerer you cast spells at +1 caster level.

Robes of Arcane Heritage
Source: Advanced Player's Guide
Aura moderate necromancy; CL 9th
Slot body; Price 16,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
These elegant, dark purple and royal blue robes are usually decorated with gold stitching depicting a sorcerer bloodline, though some indicate a family tree. The stitching changes to match the sorcerer bloodline of the wearer. The wearer treats her sorcerer level as 4 higher than normal for the purpose of determining what bloodline powers she can use and their effects.
Craft Wondrous Item, speak with dead, creator must be a sorcerer; Cost 8,000 gp

Ring of Spell Knowledge
Aura moderate or strong (no school); CL 7th
Slot ring; Price 1,500 gp (Type I), 6,000 gp (Type II), 13,500 gp (Type III), 24,000 gp (Type IV); Weight —
This ring comes in four types: ring of spell knowledge I, ring of spell knowledge II, ring of spell knowledge III, and ring of spell knowledge IV. All of them are useful only to spontaneous arcane spellcasters. Through study, the wearer can gain the knowledge of a single spell in addition to those allotted by her class and level. A ring of spell knowledge I can hold 1st-level spells only, a ring of spell knowledge II 1st- or 2nd-level spells, a ring of spell knowledge III spells of 3rd level or lower, and a ring of spell knowledge IV up to 4th-level spells. A ring of spell knowledge is only a storage space; the wearer must still encounter a written, active, or cast version of the spell and succeed at a DC 20 Spellcraft check to teach the spell to the ring. Thereafter, the arcane spellcaster may cast the spell as though she knew the spell and it appeared on her class’ spell list. Arcane spells that do not appear on the wearer’s class list are treated as one level higher for all purposes (storage and casting). CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
Forge Ring, creator must be able to cast spells of the spell level to be granted; Cost 750 gp (Type I), 3,000 gp (Type II), 6,750 (Type III), 12,000 gp (Type IV).

Ring of Wizardry (Ring)
Type I: 20,000 GP Type II: 40,000 GP Type III: 70,000GP Type IV: 100,000 GP
Aura: Moderate CL: 11th Price: Varies
This special ring comes in four varieties, all of them useful only to arcane spellcasters. The wearer’s arcane spells per day are doubled for one specific spell level. A ring of wizardry I doubles 1st level spells, a ring of wizardry II doubles 2nd-level spells, a ring of wizardry III doubles 3rd-level spells, and a ring of wizardry IV doubles 4th-level spells. Bonus spells from high ability scores or school specialization are not doubled.
Forge Ring, Limited Wish

Vestment, Mnemonic
Aura strong transmutation; CL 17th
Slot body; Price 5,000gp; Weight lb.
The surface of this delicate-looking blue silk robe is adorned with tiny embossed runes across its entire surface.
If the wearer is a spontaneous caster, once per day she may use a spell slot to cast a spell from a written source (such as a scroll or spell book) as if she knew that spell.  The spell must be on her spell list, the same spell level or lower than the expended spell slot, and the same type of spell (arcane or divine) as the spell slot expended.  The caster must also understand the written source (such as using Spellcraft or read magic) and be carrying it.  Activating the robe is not an action, but casting the spell otherwise works as normal, including casting time, providing components or foci, and so on.  Using a mnemonic vestment's properties does not consume the written source.
Craft Wondrous Item, mnemonic enhancer, creator must be able to spontaneous cast spells; Cost 2,500sp.

Robe, Sorcerer’s
Aura moderate evocation; CL 10th
Slot body; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This dapper robe enables a sorcerer to add the effects of her 1st-level bloodline power to spells she casts. As a swift action before casting a spell, the wearer expends one use of her 1st-level bloodline power and selects one target of the spell to be affected by that bloodline power. If the spell allows a saving throw, a successful save against the spell means the bloodline power deals half damage (if it normally deals hit point damage) or is negated (if it does not). The robe can be used up to three times per day.
Craft Wondrous Item, Quicken Spell-Like Ability, creator must be a sorcerer; Cost 2,500 gp.

Ring of Spell Knowledge
Aura moderate or strong (no school); CL 7th
Slot ring; Price 1,500 gp (Type I), 6,000 gp (Type II), 13,500 gp (Type III), 24,000 gp (Type IV); Weight —
This ring comes in four types: ring of spell knowledge I, ring of spell knowledge II, ring of spell knowledge III, and ring of spell knowledge IV. All of them are useful only to spontaneous arcane spellcasters. Through study, the wearer can gain the knowledge of a single spell in addition to those allotted by her class and level. A ring of spell knowledge I can hold 1st-level spells only, a ring of spell knowledge II 1st- or 2nd-level spells, a ring of spell knowledge III spells of 3rd level or lower, and a ring of spell knowledge IV up to 4th-level spells. A ring of spell knowledge is only a storage space; the wearer must still encounter a written, active, or cast version of the spell and succeed at a DC 20 Spellcraft check to teach the spell to the ring. Thereafter, the arcane spellcaster may cast the spell as though she knew the spell and it appeared on her class’ spell list. Arcane spells that do not appear on the wearer’s class list are treated as one level higher for all purposes (storage and casting). CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
Forge Ring, creator must be able to cast spells of the spell level to be granted; Cost 750 gp (Type I), 3,000 gp (Type II), 6,750 (Type III), 12,000 gp (Type IV).

Ring of Wizardry (Ring)
Type I: 20,000 GP Type II: 40,000 GP Type III: 70,000GP Type IV: 100,000 GP
Aura: Moderate CL: 11th Price: Varies
This special ring comes in four varieties, all of them useful only to arcane spellcasters. The wearer’s arcane spells per day are doubled for one specific spell level. A ring of wizardry I doubles 1st level spells, a ring of wizardry II doubles 2nd-level spells, a ring of wizardry III doubles 3rd-level spells, and a ring of wizardry IV doubles 4th-level spells. Bonus spells from high ability scores or school specialization are not doubled.
Forge Ring, Limited Wish

Vestment, Mnemonic
Aura strong transmutation; CL 17th
Slot body; Price 5,000gp; Weight lb.
The surface of this delicate-looking blue silk robe is adorned with tiny embossed runes across its entire surface.
If the wearer is a spontaneous caster, once per day she may use a spell slot to cast a spell from a written source (such as a scroll or spell book) as if she knew that spell.  The spell must be on her spell list, the same spell level or lower than the expended spell slot, and the same type of spell (arcane or divine) as the spell slot expended.  The caster must also understand the written source (such as using Spellcraft or read magic) and be carrying it.  Activating the robe is not an action, but casting the spell otherwise works as normal, including casting time, providing components or foci, and so on.  Using a mnemonic vestment's properties does not consume the written source.
Craft Wondrous Item, mnemonic enhancer, creator must be able to spontaneous cast spells; Cost 2,500sp.

Ring of Resilience
Price 15,000 gp; Slot ring; CL 10th; Weight —; Aura moderate conjuration
This tarnished copper band sheds its patina when worn by anyone with panache or grit. Whenever the wearer regains a panache or grit point through her actions (not just a daily refresh), she can try to end a single ongoing condition affecting her, attempting a new saving throw against the original DC. The effect must be one that allowed a saving throw, can be removed by either dispel magic or heal, and be an effect against which the wearer failed her initial saving throw. If the wearer succeeds at the new save, the effect is removed even if succeeding at the save would normally have other consequences, and even if the effect normally requires multiple saves to remove. If the effect allowed more than one type of saving throw, use the type and DC for the first saving throw the wearer failed for the effect.
The wearer can use the ring only once for each ongoing condition. As the wearer must regain a panache or grit point to reroll a save, the ring provides no benefit if she hasn't used any grit or panache.
Cost 7,500 gp; Feats Forge Ring; Spells restoration; Special creator must be a grit or panache user

Swashbuckler’s Rapier
Price 7,320 gp; Slot none; CL 7th; Weight 2 lbs.; Aura moderate transmutation
This +1 rapier has the nondescript, clean lines of a practice foil. The wielder can spend 1 panache point as a swift action to give the rapier the bane special ability for 1 round, and can pick any subtype of humanoids as the designated foe.
Cost 3,820 gp; Feats Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Spells magic weapon, creator must have 5 ranks in Craft (weapons) 

Blouse of the Boastful Bastard
Source Advanced Class Guide pg. 227
Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
Slot chest; Price 8,000 gp; Weight —
This stylish, purple silk shirt trimmed with designs embroidered in golden thread brings out reckless behavior in even the most conservative swashbucklers. If the wearer has the panache class feature, when she takes damage from a successful critical hit, she regains 1 panache point. This shirt has no effect on someone who is not a panache user.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, guidance, prestidigitation, resistance; Cost 4,000 gp

Boots of Gusto
Source: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide
Price 2,000 gp; Slot feet; CL 4th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura faint transmutation
These boots are made of fine red leather, and are decorated with stitched designs featuring humanoids wielding rapiers and other light weapons suited for swashbucklers. Up to three times per day, the wearer can perform the derring-do 1st-level swashbuckler deed.
Cost 1,000 gp; Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Spells cat’s grace; Special creator must be a panache user

Cape of Daring Deeds
Source: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide
Price 9,000 gp; Slot shoulders; CL 5th; Weight 2 lbs.; Aura faint abjuration
The wearer can spend a full-round action concentrating to change the color of this short, silken cape to match any attire or mood. When using the derring-do 1st-level swashbuckler deed, the wearer adds an additional die when rolling either a natural 5 or 6 rather than just a natural 6. Additionally, the cape grants a +2 resistance bonus on saving throws. This bonus increases to +4 for 1 round each time the wearer uses the charmed life swashbuckler class feature.
Cost 4,500 gp; Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Spells guidance, prestidigitation, resistance

Cloak of Disarming
Source: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide
Price 35,000 gp; Slot shoulders; CL 9th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura moderate transmutation
This cloak is well crafted and stylish. As a swift action, the wearer can direct the cloak to attempt a combat maneuver check to disarm a creature within 5 feet, using the wearer’s CMB. This disarm combat maneuver does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the wearer doesn’t risk losing the cloak. The wearer can spend 1 panache point before making the disarm attempt to gain a +5 competence bonus on the combat maneuver check.
Cost 17,500 gp; Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Spells Improved Disarm, pilfering hand; Special creator must be a panache user

Cloak of the Sneaky Scoundrel
Source: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide
Price 6,400 gp; Slot shoulders; CL 5th; Weight 2 lbs.; Aura faint illusion
This dark burgundy cloak shifts its hue and pattern to blend in against its surroundings, granting the wearer a +5 competence bonus on Stealth checks. The cloak holds a concealed scabbard in which a light blade (as defined in the fighter weapon group) can be hidden. The wearer can draw the blade as if from a normal scabbard, but anyone searching the wearer for the item must succeed at a DC 20 Perception check, as if he were looking for a secret door.
If a swashbuckler is wearing the cloak, she can spend 1 panache point to vanish, as the spell.
Cost 3,200 gp; Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Spells shrink item, vanish

Plume of Panache
Source: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide
Price 1,000 gp; Slot head; CL 5th; Weight —; Aura faint transmutation
This plume is over-sized, chic, and extravagant. To gain its effects, the user must affix it to a non-magical hat worth at least 10 gp. Once per day when the wearer performs a deed, the plume provides her with 1 panache point that can be used for that deed. Once used, the plume appears wilted and bedraggled until its magic is replenished.
Cost 500 gp; Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Spells heroism

Swordmaster's Flair
Source: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide
Price 2,500 gp; Slot none; CL 5th; Weight —; Aura faint enchantment
These garish tokens usually take the form of a colorful clothing accessories. So long as a token is grasped in the user’s off hand, she can spend 1 panache point to gain the use of a specific ability associated with the token.
Once per day, the bearer can use the token to gain the full benefit of the token without spending panache. Non-swashbucklers can use the tokens, but unless they have another way of gaining panache, they can use the ability only once per day. A character can benefit from only one token at a time; holding a second token provides no additional benefit. There are four types of tokens, each offering a different benefit.

  • Blue Scarf: The user can spend 1 panache point as a swift action to increase her melee reach with light or one-handed piercing weapons by 5 feet for 1 minute.
  • Green Glove: The user can spend 1 panache point as a swift action to ignore the effects of difficult terrain until the end of her next turn.
  • Red Sash: The user can spend 1 panache point as an immediate action to attempt a combat maneuver check to trip a creature that has charged and ended its charge in a space within the user’s melee reach. This combat maneuver does not provoke an attack of opportunity, it’s attempted before the attack at the end of the charge, and the sash’s user gains a +2 bonus on the check. If the check is successful, the attacker can’t make an attack at the end of its charge.
  • White Lace Kerchief: The user can spend 1 panache point as a swift action to pinpoint an unseen, adjacent enemy and gains the benefits of the Blind Fight feat for 1 round.

Cost 1,250 gp; Feats Blind-Fight, Craft Wondrous Item; Spells Improved Trip, Lunge, Nimble Moves; Spells good hope


Mask of Anonymous Mien
Price 25,000 gp; Slot head; CL 10th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura moderate transmutation
This featureless mask is little more than a white disk with eyeholes and a pair of short leather straps for tying.
After donning the mask, the wearer can meditate for 1 minute in order to assume a faceless identity, becoming an utterly generic and unremarkable member of the wearer’s race and gender. Knowledge checks about the wearer’s faceless identity don’t reveal information about his true identity, unless his true identity is revealed to the world at large. Additionally, attempts to scry or otherwise locate the wearer work only if the creature is attempting to locate the wearer’s faceless identity (or the creature knows the wearer’s faceless identity and the wearer’s true identity are one and the same). Otherwise, the spell has no effect, revealing nothing but darkness, as if the target were invalid or did not exist. In addition, if the wearer owns multiple masks of anonymous mien, the faceless identity he assumes is the same for all such items.
A vigilante who wears a mask of anonymous mien treats the faceless identity created by the item as a vigilante identity for the purpose of his class abilities, although this identity is separate from his actual vigilante identity.
Cost 12,500 gp; Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Spells alter self, nondetection

Crusader's Longsword
Price 47,315 gp; Slot none
CL 10th; Weight 4 lbs.; Aura moderate evocation
This is a +1 cold iron holy demon-bane longsword.
Whenever the wielder uses the divine bond ability or sacred weapon ability to enhance it, a crusader's longsword increases the points of enhancement bonus she has to spend on its abilities by 1.
Cost 23,815 gp; Feats Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Spells holy smite, summon monster I; Special creator must worship a good deity, creator must be a paladin or a warpriest

Witching Gown
Aura moderate abjuration; CL 7th
Slot body; Price 35,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Spun from combed cotton, this simple, unassuming gown bears a strong aura of witchcraft. These magical garments are highly sought after by witches, for though anyone may wear a witching gown, only a witch may realize its full potential. A witching gown grants its wearer a +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws and a +2 competence bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate skill checks. When worn by a witch, these bonuses double.
In addition, a witch may change the appearance and style of the gown to match her whims (as the glamered armor special ability) and adopt virtually any disguise, gaining a +10 bonus on Disguise checks that incorporate the gown’s appearance. Only a true seeing spell or similar magic can pierce this effect.
Lastly, a witch may cast a single touch range spell of 4th level or lower into the gown. Thereafter, the gown holds the magic for up to 24 hours, functioning as a spite spell against the next foe to strike the witch with a successful melee attack or combat maneuver. The gown’s spite spell counts as an active spite effect for the witch wearing the gown.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, charm person, disguise self, resistance, spite; Cost 17,750 gp

Hosteling (Armor Enchantment)
PRICE: +7,500 GP
AURA moderate conjuration CL 9th WEIGHT —
A suit of armor or shield with this special ability hides living animals within its iconography to keep it safe. The wearer can speak a command word to magically store an animal to which he is bonded, such as an animal companion, a familiar, or mount. The stored animal appears as a symbol emblazoned upon the armor or shield, either one that mimics the appearance of the animal or that is more symbolic and abstract.
While stored, the animal is sleeping and provides the wearer no benefit (such as a familiar’s skill bonus). The size of animal that can be stored depends on the type of armor or shield. A suit of light armor, medium armor, or a light shield or heavy shield can store one animal up to the wearer’s size. A suit of heavy armor or a tower shield can store one animal up to one size category larger than the wearer. A second command word releases the stored animal from the hosteling armor or shield. A released animal immediately awakens, appears in a space adjacent to the wearer, and can take actions on the round it appears.
Because the stored animal is sleeping rather than in suspended animation (or even hibernating), it ages and gets hungry at the normal rate while stored. A hosteling armor or shield automatically releases a stored animal 24 hours after it was stored inside.
This armor special ability still works on bonded magical beasts that were once animals, but not outsiders, oozes, or other exotic companion creatures.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, secret chest

Corset of Dire Witchcraft (Body Slot)
Aura moderate abjuration; CL 6th
Slot body; Price 22,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This slimming garment is fastened with laces, buckles, and buttons and reinforced with ribs of leather or bone.
A corset of dire witchcraft grants a +4 armor bonus to AC. If the wearer is a witch, each day when she communes with her familiar to prepare spells, she may enhance one hex she knows, increasing its caster level by +2 for 24 hours. This enhancement ends if the corset is removed or if she uses it to enhance a different hex.
Craft Wondrous Item, mage armor, creator must be a witch; Cost 11,000 gp.

Cackling Hag’s Blouse (Body Slot)
Aura faint enchantment; CL 3rd
Slot chest; Price 6,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This loose-fitting blouse is adorned with grotesque fetishes and trophies, granting the wearer a +2 competence bonus on Intimidate checks. If the wearer is a witch, she gains the cackle hex. If the wearer already has the cackle hex, twice per day she can use her cackle ability as a swift action instead of a move action.
Craft Wondrous Item, hideous laughter or the cackle hex, creator must have 5 ranks in Intimidate; Cost 3,000 gp.

Iron Collar of the Unbound Coven
Price 46,000 gp; Slot neck; CL 11th; Weight 2 lbs.; Aura moderate transmutation
This grotesque collar is useful to any witch who is eager to form a coven, but would rather avoid associating with one or more evil hags. The collar is a crude band of iron from which hang the fist-sized shrunken heads of three hags (an annis hag, a green hag, and a sea hag). The heads remain semi-animate—they occasionally twitch, blink, coo softly, or whisper curses at the wearer, each other, or anyone else nearby. A witch with the coven hex who wears the collar gains access to the following powers.
Champion of the Unbound Coven: If the wearer joins a coven, the coven can ignore the requirement to have at least one hag as a member. Each of the coven members must still have the coven hex, and one of the members must be at least a 9th-level witch.
Dreadful Gaze: Three times per day as a swift action, the wearer can command the hags' heads to lock their terrible gazes on one humanoid within 30 feet. The target of this gaze attack must succeed at a DC 15 Will save or become paralyzed with terror (as the effect of the hold person spell). This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Hag Form: Once per day as a standard action, the wearer can assume the form of a powerfully built Medium crone that resembles the horrific union of an annis hag, a green hag, and a sea hag. This metamorphosis is identical to the transformation spell, including the violent change to the wearer's mindset and the loss of spellcasting ability.
Cost 23,000 gp; Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Spells Craft (leather) 4 ranks, alter self, hold person, transformation, coven hex

Amulet of Magecraft
Source: Advanced Player's Guide
Aura moderate universal; CL 9th
Slot neck; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
Each silver link that makes up this heavy necklace represents a well-known concept of arcane theory. A universalist wizard who selects the necklace as his bonded object (which counts as an amulet) may choose one school of spells each day when he prepares spells. He then can use the necklace to spontaneously convert any prepared wizard spell of that school into any other wizard spell of that school he knows; the desired spell must be of the same level or lower than the prepared spell. For example, if the wizard chose “evocation” when he prepared his spells that morning, until the next time he prepares spells, he can spontaneously convert a prepared fireball into any other evocation wizard spell of 3rd level or lower that he knows.
Craft Wondrous Item, permanency, creator must be a universalist; Cost 10,000 gp

Amulet of Spell Cunning
Source: Advanced Player's Guide
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th
Slot neck; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This silver locket only has power when used as a wizard's bonded object. It allows a wizard to prepare an additional 3 levels of spells per day.
Craft Wondrous Item, mnemonic enhancer; Cost 5,000 gp

Annihilation Spectacles
Source: Advanced Player's Guide
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 11th
Slot eyes; Price 25,000 gp; Weight 1/4 lb.
Creatures viewed through these darkly tinted glasses sometimes seem, ever so briefly, to flicker in and out of existence. A transmuter can use these spectacles to spontaneously convert any prepared wizard transmutation spell into any other wizard transmutation spell he knows; the desired spell must be of the same level or lower than the prepared spell. Once per day, he may use the spectacles to spontaneously cast disintegrate in place of one of his prepared transmutation wizard spells of 6th level or higher, even if he doesn't know that spell.
Craft Wondrous Item, disintegrate, creator must be a transmuter; Cost 12,500 gp

Necromancer’s Athame
Source: Advanced Player's Guide
Aura strong necromancy; CL 11th
Slot none; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This pallid length of sharpened thighbone is carved into the shape of a dagger, but with tiny holes bored into it at equal intervals, almost like a flute. A necromancer who selects the athame as his bonded object can use it to spontaneously convert any prepared wizard necromancy spell into any other wizard necromancy spell he knows; the desired spell must be of the same level or lower than the prepared spell.
Craft Wondrous Item, create undead, creator must be a necromancer; Cost 10,000 gp

Robe of Runes
Source Pathfinder #4
Aura strong transmutation; CL 13th
Slot body; Price 44,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This robe is made of crimson silk and emblazoned with dozens of spindly Thassilonian runes, each symbolizing a different type of magical effect or syllable of power. Favored by wizards, this robe can provide some benefit to any spellcasting creature. While worn, it grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence and allows the wearer to recall, as a free action, up to four levels of spells per day that he had prepared and then cast. Each time a spell is recalled and prepared again in this manner, the sudden rush of magical energy infuses the wearer with power — for one round after recalling a spell, the wearer’s spell save DCs and attack rolls for spells gain a +2 enhancement bonus.
Craft Wondrous Item, fox's cunning, limited wish; Cost 22,000 gp

Hosteling (Armor Enchantment)
PRICE: +7,500 GP
AURA moderate conjuration CL 9th WEIGHT —
A suit of armor or shield with this special ability hides living animals within its iconography to keep it safe. The wearer can speak a command word to magically store an animal to which he is bonded, such as an animal companion, a familiar, or mount. The stored animal appears as a symbol emblazoned upon the armor or shield, either one that mimics the appearance of the animal or that is more symbolic and abstract.
While stored, the animal is sleeping and provides the wearer no benefit (such as a familiar’s skill bonus). The size of animal that can be stored depends on the type of armor or shield. A suit of light armor, medium armor, or a light shield or heavy shield can store one animal up to the wearer’s size. A suit of heavy armor or a tower shield can store one animal up to one size category larger than the wearer. A second command word releases the stored animal from the hosteling armor or shield. A released animal immediately awakens, appears in a space adjacent to the wearer, and can take actions on the round it appears.
Because the stored animal is sleeping rather than in suspended animation (or even hibernating), it ages and gets hungry at the normal rate while stored. A hosteling armor or shield automatically releases a stored animal 24 hours after it was stored inside.
This armor special ability still works on bonded magical beasts that were once animals, but not outsiders, oozes, or other exotic companion creatures.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, secret chest

Ring of Wizardry (Ring)
Type I: 20,000 GP Type II: 40,000 GP Type III: 70,000GP Type IV: 100,000 GP
Aura: Moderate CL: 11th Price: Varies
This special ring comes in four varieties, all of them useful only to arcane spellcasters. The wearer’s arcane spells per day are doubled for one specific spell level. A ring of wizardry I doubles 1st level spells, a ring of wizardry II doubles 2nd-level spells, a ring of wizardry III doubles 3rd-level spells, and a ring of wizardry IV doubles 4th-level spells. Bonus spells from high ability scores or school specialization are not doubled.
Forge Ring, Limited Wish

Magician’s Hat (Hat Slot)
Aura: Moderate Transmutation CL:10th Price: 20,000GP
Mystic symbols embroidered in gold thread decorate this conical hat. Three times per day as a free action when casting a spell, the wearer can shift metamagic feats on prepared spells. The wearer can either move a metamagic feat from another prepared spell to a spell being cast or from the spell being cast to another prepared spell. In either case, the spell that gains the metamagic feat can’t exceed the spell slot of the spell that originally had the metamagic feat. For example, a wizard with detect thoughts, silent dispel magic, and dimension door prepared could cast a silent detect thoughts (and would now have dispel magic prepared), but could not cast silent dimension door. Moving metamagic feats does not increase spell casting time, even for quickened spells. The hat provides no benefit to spontaneous casting or spell-like abilities.
Craft Wondrous Item, mnemonic enhancer